Can Someone Be Saved Without Coming Directly To Jesus?

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I remember when my Dad was preparing to go be with the Lord eternally, the Catholic Priest at the Veteran’s Home encouraged him to “pray to Mother Mary.” Although my Dad’s physical body was weak, his spirit and heart for the Lord Jesus Christ was still incredibly strong. He rebuked that Priest and declared that Jesus Christ is the Only intercessor between God and man and the Only name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved! Let no man deceive you! No matter how he presents himself. For our enemy never comes in his true form, but always disguised as an angel of light! Jesus Christ is indeed who He claims to be! But don’t take my word for it….seek Jesus Christ for yourselves, today!!


Thank you from one that learned early that the cc isn’t true to Jesus Christ and I was saved when I left the Catholic Church praise Jesus Christ


Jesus said it himself. I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the father, except through me (John 14:6). It doesn’t get any more clearcut than that.


Jesus gave his life to wash away our sin.Only Jesus saves!
His grace is enough for me.☝️


Pastor Joe, Brother Chad & All who play any role in this Ministry and families, I love you all and praise God for y’all! As well as lift y’all up to our Father, pleading the blood of Jesus Christ over yourselves and your families, in faith. Knowing that this Ministry is truly and humbly led by God’s Holy Spirit, working through every one of you, to elevate and glorify the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. May God continue to provide for, protect, elevate, prosper, strengthen and bless y’all tremendously, in every way, for your good and His glory, in Jesus name.


Amos 8:11-13
11 ‘Look! The days are coming, ’ declares the Sovereign Lord יהוה , ‘When I will send a famine into the land, Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water, But for hearing the words of יהוה .
12 They will stagger from sea to sea And from the north to the east. They will rove about searching for the word of יהוה , but they will not find it. 13 In that day beautiful virgins will faint,
Also young men, because of the thirst;


I love pastor Joe's face he looks disgusted!! God bless you pastor Joe for your love for God's word.


This is very "subtle" language (let alone dangerous). If one doesn't exercise discernment, it can be easy to be caught unawares by it.The difference is that the "Roman Mother" actually teaches that an ongoing "participation" with its liturgy, sacraments and ordinances are necessary to "remain saved." The reason that they teach prevenient grace (in the manner in which this priest is teaching it) is because they are setting up future followers to be prepared to continue working towards "being better humans", by following their rituals(their conscience). They do NOT teach regeneration in the sense of the true power encounter necessary to birth the Spirit of God within a person. They do NOT teach that a man must be convicted and convinced of his utter wickedness by the Holy Ghost before he can be redeemed. They do NOT teach that righteousness must be imparted, not just imputed. They unfortunately know nothing of the inner life, wrought by God alone, within a soul that has been stripped of its personal accolades and "personal riches". They unfortunately know nothing of the poverty of the human spirit and its inability to please God without the indwelling Christ. We must preach the gospel again in such a manner that distinguishes it being a "possession" (of the Spirit), and not a mere "position" of ones own concocted and formulated version of a Build-a-God. We can argue incessantly as to whether a Catholic is "saved" or not. However, we must be careful to emphasize that IF a Catholic becomes born again, it will be in spite of Catholicism, not because of it. Then, when the new birth takes place in the heart, it will become very clear that one should "come out her and receive not of her plagues". Religion will KILL the move of the Spirit within any soul who tries to mingle His workings with their own personal ritualistic strivings ( just ask the Galatians). "The letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life"


Roman Catholicism, the largest cult in the universe.


People who do good works or are following a good moral conscience are not following or responding to the grace of Christ and can't be saved "indirectly" as he stated. There are lots of very nice unsaved people who do very good works and run various types organizations out there that help animals and the homeless and more, but they are not being saved by grace indirectly because they follow a moral conscience and have some good works. The bible says in Isaiah of their good works that they are as filthy rags to a holy God because we as corrupted men and women are still stained with sin. It is only by grace through FAITH, NOT of works, the apostle Paul explained clearly in Ephesians.


That was nothing but a word salad. No. ONLY way to be saved is through Jesus. There is NO other way!!


A person is Saved by Believing the Gospel Only. The Catholic Church Doesn't Teach Any form of Salvation.

The Catholic Church Teaches Purgatory: A Place Similar to Hell where 99% of people Go so they can maybe Eventually Earn their way to Heaven Through Torture, Penance.

Salvation is Not a Process it is a One time Decision to Believe the Gospel Only for your Salvation.

Grace is the Mercy of Jesus who offers Salvation to Everyone who Believes the Gospel Only for their Salvation.

Ephesians 2:8-9
[8]For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
[9]Not of works, lest any man should boast.

1 Corinthians 15:1-4
[1]Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
[2]By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
[3]For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
[4]And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:


Christianity is a faith; everything else, including Catholicism, is a religion.


Can this be applied to those billions that have never ever heard of Jesus Christ?


But what about Romans 2:14 - 16?
Isn't this exactly what Robert Barron was talking about?


The Catholics also believe in purgatory but that makes no sense either


I’ve other interviews with this Priest
he’s also openly gay.


The very heart of Catholicism is Arminianism syncretism and “prevenient grace”
Scripture teaches grace alone


Ummm not per the Bible. Give it a name & back it with the power of Rome. Still doesn’t make it true.
Matt 7:23 “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’”
You are not forgiven without Christ’s robe of righteousness.
Wow. You’re going to have to answer for giving falsities having to do with salvation.


Ugh! Sounds like Billy Graham talking to Robert Schuler. “They may not even be conscious of Christ.” Good grief!
