don't talk // meme

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5 seconds into this: //liked
10 seconds: //subbed
20 seconds: //cried
entire video: //sold soul


Personaly this is my fav "Don't talk anymore" I love it so much cause it has a story behind about two people and its a emotianol, Meme and you have to try to figure the story by yourself. Because it was about two real people. :3 Love you Sagatah!


This is beautiful

But sad

Mixed emotions


*replays but changes to 0.25x for it could be slower so I could admire the hard work put into it*


Oh, already a million congratulations, this animation really deserves this:)


I can feel the pain through this. Ive been here before. i hope You feel better.

Its beautiful though.

Edit; 800 LIKES HELLO??

Edit2; *chokes on tea* whAT


This really hits me in the feels ;-; My friend and I were the best of friends even when we were little we had each others back and we did everything together, we promised to be friends forever but at one point we didn't see each other for two years because a lot of things happened, then when I finally saw her again I was so happy but she seemed like a completely different person, she changed so much, she became the popular type. I tried my best to try to ignore it but I just couldn't relate to her or lean on her like I used to, and when I finally was warming up to her (because I had to accept she was different now, and I couldn't cling to the past) she was forced to go to Canada and she may never come back... she was always there for me because she knows my life has been a complete mess and she was my bright light, but now that I don't have her in my life to make me better ive become a self destructive bomb.


This is so pretty and This is so addictive to watch! I keep on rewatching this, Great work!


The person who I thought to be my best friend for 3 years didn't dare tell me I'm clingy and annoying.
We had many fights. I tried to shut off what she felt bothered by. She always found a new thing she didn't like.
Quotes of her, about me: "I could hardly call her a friend at times", "Our friendship is toxic"
Nowadays, I see her tag her new bestie in every meme they can find. Some of them are even about me :/
I've lost many best friends before that as well. I throught I was a better person than that...
Ik this video is old but I just wanna write this off somewhere.


-softly whispers in your ear-
*holy shit*


Me and my best friend that I had known since I was two months old (our parents were friends so we were born into the friendship) she started changing and drifting away and after one argument she said she was done... we talk but it’s so fake it hurts. I don’t know what to do, I can’t let go of 14 years of sisterhood just like that... but she can... it makes me cry sometimes... she’ll never know how bad she hurt me. And I don’t wanna sound like someone who’s trying to get likes or anything with a sad story, it’s just that this made me cry bc I could relate

Edit: things between us are a bit better... it’s not gonna go back to being normal for a long time, maybe when we’re older and mature enough but until then wish me luck.

Edit: so we’ve completely cut contact. It doesn’t hurt as much anymore. The only time it really affects me is when I’m reminded how long we knew each other. I don’t resent her for it, what happens happens, I’m gonna move forward and remember the good times.

EDIT :) : Hi, I wanted to give all of you an update., I posted that about a year ago and recently, I reached out to the girl I had mentioned previously. At this point, we hadn't talked for two years, and call me crazy, but it still bugged me sometimes because after her I was never able to find a friendship like that again and I was never able to get close to any of my other friends. So I reached out. I told her that I missed her and that it sucked that we stopped talking. I was freaking out and every conversation we had made me cry, not because she was being rude! I guess the whole situation was overwhelming and it caught up with me again. She apologized, called herself a bad friend and said that she had grown from the experience, that she missed me and that she was sorry for putting me through the thing that she put me through, she had all of that done to her after we stopped talking. I still felt like I didn't have a place in her life and it was none of my business to come back, but I digress because we've already hung out three times since then, we caught up and it felt so natural and good. We had conversations at two in the morning about what we'd both gone through since the fight. She didn't take the whole thing as hard as I did, I feel horrible for having wished that she found it hard to move on too, I felt selfish when I was dissapointed that she didn't. But that doesn't matter, she told me that she felt like I was still her best friend at that it felt like nothing changed. I dont know why friendship is so important to me but at that point I could have started crying.

It was weird coming back to this video because I read the comment that I wrote and I feel what I felt back then and it was not a good feeling. it's like getting the wind knocked out of you but somehow gently. I don't cry a lot despite what it seems, reading my previous comment made me cry a good bit. Im sorry, that sounds so dramatic. It was a rough situation fot me and nothing more. point is, I think I'm happier now, I think things are going good.


Honestly, this is my favorite version of this meme ;) I LOVE IT
i love that part where are they growing and holding hands like BFF ;)


It’s incredible that something as little as an animation can bring people back together. I can’t stop watching this. It is so beautifully made, and the backstory is sad, yet I’m glad you 2 are back together now. ❤️❤️


EDIT: Guys this is getting tiring. Please stop commenting on my poor drawing skills in this video, I've improved ever since. Thank you a lot for the million views tho! It's insane!! :"D




Did anybody watch this 200 times nonstop


i keep replaying this, its just really amazing

since you said things got better, im glad they did, keep up the great job UvU


I can relate in way since me and my best friend are drifting away but we still share the same friends but we aren't as close as we used to be in 7th grade. (I've known for a lil bit) And sorry that this is going on.


I'd just like to say how much this animation inspired me when it first came out. It was one of the things that took me from art, to animation. I rewatched it now and the nostalgia attacked me lmao. I just want to thank you for making this and inspiring me so much <3


I probably don't know much about friendship... or something. Saga is... probably my only friend... My only best friend. I want to say... i'm sorry. i'm trying do my best to make our friendship... wonderful. I'm the problem... who i should detele. i love you Saga. thank you for everything.

Your forever


Anybody got a spare replay button and tissue ?
