Climate change technology: is shading the earth too risky?

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If the world is getting too hot, why not give it some shade? Solar geoengineering could halt global warming, but there are risks to this controversial technology.

00:00 - Is solar geoengineering worth the risks?
00:41 - On the frontline of climate change
01:40 - What is solar geoengineering?
02:05 - Why the Saami Council stopped a research project
03:33 - Why we need more research
05:05 - The risk of global political tension
06:12 - The risk of termination shock
07:07 - What is marine cloud brightening?
09:04 - The risk of unequal effects

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They are doing it and blaming you. Priceless 🤣 🦎


Considering that the current high-altitude spraying programs use aluminum dioxide and other metals which are toxic to humans, I would say, yes, it is too risky. Most people are completely unaware that this has been underway for decades.


When humans have tried to be better or wanted to play with nature rule
Nature has always showed humans who's the boss here


Chemtrails.... They've been doing it for decades


It is not risky: it is utterly insane...


Blocking sun rays is tantamount to imminent death, agriculture could suffer & it'll give birth to new diseases


This was literally what happened in the Matrix.


They are already geo engineering in the uk and it’s causing us to have constant cloudy days and darkness, doesn’t seem to matter how it affecting the health of the people who are being deprived of essential sunlight 😢


I'm shocked at the number of people who have never heard of these "plans" that are already in use.


A solution to a problem almost always creates another. The benefit depends on how well you manage the following consequences.
Penicillin was great but now we have to deal with super microbes.


Aren’t we just treating the symptom, and not addressing the root cause?


One only needs to watch the evening weather forecast to realize how much we don't understand how our earth works. How can you seriously think about altering something when you have no idea what all your consequences will be? The unforeseen problems would be catastrophic with no ability to rewind when it goes wrong. "Well that didn't go as planned" or "ooops sorry" are not phrases we want to hear from a group of scientist as we're plunged into total darkness. No, just no, bad idea.


Hope that engineers consult with geologists to fully understand planetary dynamics, and Snowball Earth. In the geological record, Earth was in most cases an ice cube of a plant with little to no life. Also, reducing the amount of sunlight will reduce plant growth, affecting food production, and other unintended consequences.


Cooling by geo-engineering has been happening for years already. I live in British Columbia, Canada. During the COVID lockout there were no commercial flights but the sky was crossed by a huge number of aircrafts with very long trace of condensed gas; immediately after clouds started to form and in a few hours cloudiness covered the previous beautiful blue sky. I am wondering if the aluminum colloidal particles spayed by those aircrafts deposited on trees were the cause of the wildest fires in the boreal forests of western Canada and the US, since aluminum is a very flammable metal at particle level.


Why so much deceit? Geoengineering has been going on for years, I discovered the criss-crossed skies in 2014 and connected the dots. It's been the longest eight years of my life trying to wake people up to these atrocities on earth's atmosphere which has almost completely decimated the ozone.


I think we urgently need to retrace our steps of how we got here and dedicate more resources into undoing all that harm, hopefully our grandchildren will see the benefits. I feel like we would be creating more imbalances using these technologies and would make the problem worse. It takes energy to implement all these solutions and we're not doing to great on that. Imagine stopping this after 30 years due to a lack of energy. The consequences would be disastruous. Please don't.


Why can't humans just solve Climate Change the right way, rather than solving 1 problem with more problems. Plant trees stop deforestation clean the ocean recycle stop wasting switch to green energy. It’s not hard


The idea of Solar geoengineering is suicidal, it will disrupt rainfall patterns all across the world especially affecting countries that depend on monsoon rainfall for food production like India, and reducing the rate of photosynthesis in plants as a direct consequence of global dimming, causing acute food crisis all over the world.


The risks are too high. Knowing how human beings behave, we are definitely going to rely 100% on the geo engineering and not cut emissions. This sounds like the last resort to temporarily delay the end rather than a solution, but not that we have any solution right now. Politicians only care about their next election and that’s it, extremely simple minded. Majority of human beings only care about the immediate future and not the long term. This natural selfish behavior of human beings is the reason why we are where we are now, destroying the environment for the benefit of their own generation to enjoy life while making it impossible for their children and the next generation to survive and thrive. One would think a global disaster like global warming will bring society and countries together and more United, less conflict. It’s seems the complete opposite, more war, conflict, less trust, less cooperation.


FYI: the climate has been changing ever since there was a climate.
Just sayin'.
