Forza Horizon 4: An In-Depth Review

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Forza Horizon 4 is the biggest racer of the year, and has the best racer of the decade to honor. In this video, we'll find out where it excels, and unfortunately, where it falls short.

Twitter: @thelightiswhite
Discord (Best place to reach me): Whitelight#4493

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Twitter: @Chimerainasuit
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I know uploads have been sparse, but I've been working on some huge projects. Hopefully one of them will be out by the end of the year, I'm going to bust my ass trying to make that happen. Red Dead Redemption 2 is half scripted, but I can't guarantee any dates. Turf Wars should be out shortly. Thanks for putting up with this.


The seasons arent just visual. Cars slide easier in winter due to the ice and snow. Springs rain makes driving hypercars more challenging due to the constant rain at times. Summer is the perfect driving weather for any car with fall being the only one that's mostly visual


I still think FH1 had the best sense of progression and "story."
First things first, the characters weren't all douchebag hipsters.
You didn't already own a $700, 000 supercar, you had a VW.
You had to race to the festival to be included during a special promo.
Each race type had a "champion" along with an overall Horizon Champion that you actually worked towards racing.
Beating champions and showcase events won you the car. I had a good selection of cars by the end just from winning races and playing the game, buying very few.
The difficulty actually increased as you rose up the ranks.
The final race was FAR more memorable than in anything any of the later games had.
The Champions all interacted with you, usually shit talking, but it's still something.

FH2 immediately went to "Here, you get a supercar and run the festival." But you're just a random guy... why are you running the festival? And sure, there was 6 locations or whatever, but there was only so many tracks in each location that it got extremely repetitive.


26:20 "...putting the game on Steam"
guess what


This games presentation really was next level for a racing game, gave me actual goosebumps and got me excited for playing, something I haven't felt of a racing game for a long time


White light: this hypes me for what forza have for next year
Forza: forza street on mobile


The final point about innovation really resonated with me. Especially since I looked at Horizon 5 trailers and thought "yeah cool, but FH 4 is discounted so I'd just rather buy that".


I wonder if horizon 5 will even be a thing. Playground games are working on an un announced RPG (possibly fable) so who knows when 5 comes out.


Great video as always, just a couple things to note that were incorrect in the video:

1. The seasons are not just visual, they affect the grip offered by roads in different areas during different seasons.

2. While road and street racing are similar, there are a few differences besides the time of day. One is that many of the barriers in road racing would be missing in street racing so not breaking early enough is punished harder, also there is street traffic in street racing. None in road racing


Top notch review through and through. It was a joy to watch and listen to this.


34k subs ? Man you deserve so much more, you're the best keep it up ;)


"Doesn't need to rely on rubberbanding"

Sorry but gonna have to disagree with you there, playing on Unbeatable/Pro, not getting to the front of the pack ASAP means the leader just walks away and you'll have to settle with a podium. And if you do get in front, the AI just end up on your ass immediately, regardless if their previous pace.


I honestly wish there was something like a "Forza Horizon: Underground" or "Forza Underground" type game where it's focused more on street races and what not. Maybe instead of focusing on a ridiculous number of cars they could instead focus on a smaller amount but have more customization such as exterior mods. I feel like Forza really needs to do something new and interesting to focus on other than just the festival, maybe it could go something like you sneak your way in through a street racing group to get into the festival or whatever so the focus isn't just on the festival but also on the street racing scene.


That cheeky use of DriveClub OST at 6:30, it's pretty good!


I’ve been searching for reviews. I saw plenty of positive reviews with not enough critical analysis (all of their critiques were all the same as well) and I just wasn’t sold on the idea that it was THAT good with little to no areas in need of improvement.. I very much enjoyed this video. You definitely did a great job picking this game apart and explaining that it’s got a lot of issues and plenty of room for improvement. You made points about the game that other reviews didn’t even bother mentioning and you definitely focused on what may make-or-break the experience for some. I feel like I’ve got a better understanding of what I might be getting into if I shell out the money for this game. Thank you.


The James Bond seasonal events, if you play online and don’t have the car pack, you could pick any cars. Had to race an old Vantage from the movie living daylights against huracan and some other fast stuff...


At 24:35, "'Need for Speed' has a list of issues even Lindsay Lohan couldn't match." :-p


4 is way more fun than 5. I put hundreds of hrs in 4. 5 had me bored by the time i beat it.


Mad grand tour vibes with come with me now music playing in the background


Still playing this almost daily April 2021. All of his negatives were swiftly dealt with, even the Windows version (which I have exclusively been playing). Would like to see a 5-minute follow-up review!
