Living with a Staffordshire Bull Terrier

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I’ve had 4 Staffies. They’re the best dogs. There’s only one downside to owning a Staffie and that’s having your heart and soul ripped out when they pass on. I lost my old boy last October and I miss him every single day.


As a Englishman man from Staffordshire in England and a lifetime owner of the humble staffie, I have too say they are without doubt the best breed anyone can own. Of course I’m biased, but they make great family dogs, great with kids, great fun too own and have great personalities..


I'm in the uk and had staffies for over 30 years and would never consider another breed, my boy will be 16 soon and still loving life.


Agree totally about staffs. They're fantastic with kids. Also thank you for not slicing your dog's ears off. He looks magnificent.


I had a Staffy, yours looks just like mine did, he had some really bad owners, that didn't want him, so we bought him for £20... He was only a pup, he was afraid at first, but he soon realized he was in a better place.. I can confirm that yes, Staffies are in fact Nanny Dogs, I have two younger siblings and when they were babies he'd be around them 24/7, they're amazing emotional support dogs, they'll bring you so much love and many unforgettable memories. My Staffy sadly passed away in 2017 at the age of 17 years, he became very unwell, he had cancer and there was nothing we could do, the saddest part was having take him to the vets to have him put to rest, and even today I still grieve... But to grieve is to have deeply loved. Dogs are only a fraction of our life, but we are all of their life, so give them a life to love and enjoy.


I like this guy. Knowledgeable about the proper terms and the difference in bully breeds! Very educational, definitely giving viewers facts Instead spreading more ignorance about the bully breeds! Good job!


Yes in the U.K. we love them so much there amazing!


Mine filled my life full of laughter and lunacy. Very intelligent and loyal


Got my first dog in 1963, owned a total of 9 dogs to-date. Anyway, my wife and I bought a Staffordshire bully (full blooded) in 82. Out of the 9 doggies, it is "Buster" the Staffy (and Muggsy who was a mutt) who I miss the most, she was an outstanding, and very loyal dog. Believe it or not, that dog was a tree climber, not kidding. To this very day, I still grieve for both.


I lived with mine for 12 yrs. She was the most loyal, loving and protective dog I’ve ever had! She would watch over my grandchildren like they were her own! I miss her so much. She would talk to me, but people never knew I had her until they came over. She was so quiet. God I loved her to no end. I will have another one in my life. Thank you for bringing positive attention to this breed! ✌🏽❤️


I have had mine for 12 yrs now and he is exactly like this in every way, Even being old and grey he still has a crazy amount of energy and really gentle, he plays with my kittens all of the time.


I live in Melbourne Australia and Ive owned the breed for over 30 years and can’t imagine owning any other dog. They are the most loyal, loving and fun dog to be around. They really are first and foremost a people focused dog. Thanks for sharing.


They've got such cute, cuddly heads and nothing beats the Staffy smile


Once you have had one you will never want another breed. Thank you for talking about shadow. I miss mine so much and can't wait to have another.


I lost my staffie in May to cancer. She was the best dog I ever had, she grew up with my 4 kids and when it was her time to go all their friends came to say goodbye too! She was a proper character, so funny, loving, loyal and gentle. She came with me everywhere! Miss her so much 💔


The noises they make.... EPIC!!! They are so loving and kind and ofcourse with the right training they will always be gentle with you ! They are so nurturing and their owner is everything. My English Staffy is amazing with kids of all ages and sizes! She is so gentle 😍 💕 💖


Love this breed, it's the only type I could ever fully trust with family. They are as loyal as they come, love people and very very tolerant of kids. Lacey was our 1st staffordshire and died in my arms, it took us years to get another because you just don't get over them. They really do become part of the family. I would recommend staffies to anyone looking for a friend.


I'm in the UK, my boy is 12 and still a pocket rocket of energy!! Great dogs to own they love people unconditionally. You have a very beautiful beast there.


Listen, their is no bad owning a staffy, they’re the best land seals on earth.


They love you no matter what and will protect you.. so tolerant.. they are pure ❤ love.
