Engin Akyürek - La Literatura es el Arte de la palabra (HD)

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Aprovechando el día mundial del libro, he preparado este video acerca de los dos libros que, a día de hoy, tiene publicados Engin Akyürek.
Engin nos muestra en cada uno de sus escritos su alma, su dulce corazón y su sentir. En cada uno de ellos nos deja un pedacito de él mismo, de sus inquietudes, de su magia, su vida, su humildad, sus sueños... porque así es Engin, sencillo, generoso y un amor.
Él ha donado los derechos de autor de ambos libros a Asociaciones Benéficas de Turquía.
Felicitaciones a Engin Akyürek por su generosidad.
Taking advantage of World Book Day, I have prepared this video about the two books that Engin Akyürek has currently published.
In each of his writings, Engin shows us his soul, his sweet heart and his feelings. In each one of them he leaves us a little piece of himself, his concerns, his magic, his life, his humility, his dreams... because that is Engin, simple, generous and a love.
He has donated the copyrights of both books to Turkish Charities.
Congratulations to Engin Akyürek for his generosity.
#sessizlik, #zamansiz, #Diadellibro
Engin nos muestra en cada uno de sus escritos su alma, su dulce corazón y su sentir. En cada uno de ellos nos deja un pedacito de él mismo, de sus inquietudes, de su magia, su vida, su humildad, sus sueños... porque así es Engin, sencillo, generoso y un amor.
Él ha donado los derechos de autor de ambos libros a Asociaciones Benéficas de Turquía.
Felicitaciones a Engin Akyürek por su generosidad.
Taking advantage of World Book Day, I have prepared this video about the two books that Engin Akyürek has currently published.
In each of his writings, Engin shows us his soul, his sweet heart and his feelings. In each one of them he leaves us a little piece of himself, his concerns, his magic, his life, his humility, his dreams... because that is Engin, simple, generous and a love.
He has donated the copyrights of both books to Turkish Charities.
Congratulations to Engin Akyürek for his generosity.
#sessizlik, #zamansiz, #Diadellibro