Sensory impairment: How the coronavirus is getting on our nerves | COVID-19 Special

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Many people who catch Covid-19 report a loss of taste and smell. For some it's one of a range of symptoms. For others, it's the only one. Scientists studying the phenomenon believe the sensory impairment could be caused by the virus attacking nerve cells in the nose. This leads to questions about the disease's effect on the brain.

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What would you like to know about the coronavirus pandemic? #askDerrick


I just found a group of people in a comment section of a tiktok video all saying that they had covid a while ago and they all still halucinate the unpleasant smell of smoke and sulfur everywhere


Derrick Williams Q&A is the best part :)


I have loss of smell and taste for 2 months. I recovered my taste like 2 or 3 days after losing it but it is still very weak and only certain things I can enjoy eating, but it's not the same as before. I don't know if I am truly tasting or not because sometimes I feel like I am not tasting anything and I start to panic. My smell however is very minimal. I can smell smoke but not to the full 100%. It keeps me hopeful when I at least smell that. I also notice I can smell my deodorant but it's minimal and the scent quickly fades away. the other day I could've sworn I was smelling the chicken my mother was cooking and many times I have felt like I smell the food aroma but it's not strong. I don't know if I am imagining the smells or if I am regaining it. I noticed up to now I haven't been able to smell any bad smells. Smoke, alcohol, deodorant, the instance of the food, pepper, I swear I smelt spoilt milk once, My girlfriends perfumes sometimes make me sense the sweet aroma but not like distinguishable. I believe these are all the smells I have been able to smell between these 2 months period. I am still hopeful one day I will regain it 100%.


When I got metal poisoning I would be woken from dead sleep with a overwhelming smell of muffins.


I have got Parosmia. Everything smells rotten. Does It get better?


I had CV before it became public. Since then I have itchy skin & other skin issues. Seen dermatologists who say they have no idea. Had multiple skin biopsies. No answers. It’s been awful.


I always used to lose the lost of taste and smell when I get a cold, maybe i had it in the past ?


Only two minutes in and im still crying i can't smell anything ☹️


Your question of getting covid again, the answer is yes. I had the virus before it was announced that it was in the U.S. and again recently at the end of August this year. The second time was way more mild than the first time and that's with the second time being the delta variant. Unfortunately, my dad and grandmother lost their life to the virus only 2 days apart. I believe I contracted the virus the second time from my dad, the first time I have no clue how I contracted the virus due to the world still functioning as it did before the new norm. As for the present day, I still have not regained my smell. I did regain taste though. My thyroid is also acting strange now that I no longer have the virus.


ZINC is needed by the immune system - deficiency affects ability to taste / smell - survival would use ALL available zinc for the immune defences - survival more important than taste????


I got covid and lost all my smell and taste buds but I started regaining all of it in about 2 months but then all of a sudden I started smelling burnt stuff and chemical like things if this has happened to anyone or anything to help it can u replie pls


I think a lot of people who think they got reinfected with covid again don’t realize you will test positive for 2-3 months, even though you are not infectious any longer. As a nurse and seeing covid patients daily, that’s the one thing people still don’t seem to understand because they will come back and want to be retested two weeks later because work is demanding they have a negative result to return. Seems employers as well as most of the general public don’t realize you shed the virus for a long time. It’s unfortunate to see so many people out of quarantine still being forced to go without pay because people are scared to let them come back to work. 🥴


any way now mom gets dizzy every now and then, but she had an operation in her ear and her imbalance predate covid probably due to weakening of the hearing/balance ear nerve, but still i'm worried it could be covid related .


I lost my smell 1 week ago. Its coming back. But i smell phantom cigarette smoke all the time. And i hate that smell. I am so worried about not smelling a fire in my home. Just went thru and retested my smoke alarms


I have, its nuts. My nose just runs or drips


Then I'm good because I can smell my breath inside this mask.


I've been having this for 8 months now and I'm very troubled i just want it to go away


I'm a smoker so I have no sense of smell or taste anyway.
I've no sense 😁


I could watch this in 2x speed. Is DW too slow? Or am I improving?
