Dead Island Riptide News Update 1: Original Survivors are Back and Amazing Graphics

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everything u listed sounds DAM good to me, ESPECIALLY the wide variation of zombies, cant lie all the zombies pretty much looked the same in DI soo im super stoked it will feel even more realistic


Oh you are just so wrong, Its going to be a new game, it costs 50 dollars, and it comes out in 2013


And that makes everything better? Dead Island did combat, atmosphere, difficulty right. If 2-3 adult zombies come and try taking you down, chances are your not getting up hence it took very little to kill you until patches were released. I mean you cant really get into the character if they aren't realistic and stereotypical. The black guy has to be a ghetto taking rapper? Can he not be say a lawyer or or shop owner? The asian has to know Martial Arts? I mean really its like a b grade movie.


Oh no im not saying I like COD. I do enjoy the zombie mode but thats it. And yes its just been a overpriced DLC since MW2. In good faith though, Black Ops 2 seems to be changing things up abit. The only reason I enjoyed MW2 was because of Hans Zimmer's soundtrack.


I was expecting them to come out with a trailer but this is still good. Its good to know that they improved from the original games and put stuff that people wanted in the first game to Dead Island Riptide. If this is better than Dead Island it is going to take the place of the Best zombie game for me.


the most imporant thing to me is to have a "bioshock: brass balls" mode where instead of respawning i'm forced to load my last checkpoint. i like that as an optional increase in difficulty when i'm playing by myself (99% of the time).


So..same 4 corny and stereotypical characters, rip off COD Zombies with building fences and using turrets until enemy waves run out, and only adding a handful of new enemies with boats replacing cars. Yeah sounds alot like a overpriced dlc.


I don't think the first one's graphics were bad? They were good, but the character animations sucked. I didn't have any glitches in my version because it was the game of the year edition and crossbow would be super cool addition! :P


But they know their graphics now and have a better workforce.. They actually know what they're doing now.. remember back in 2007 they didn't have much knowledge on how to plan out a free roaming zombie game.


The monsoon makes them crash. Probably on one of the islands next to banoi. The Heros go to save the trapped guy, and return to the wreck to see Charon / Kevin gone with the native chick. And so it


i think they should do something like if you have saved data from the first dead island game they should let you pick one weapon from your dead island inventory to start the game in dead island riptide


Forget keeping our weapons I want a bunch of new weapons and the way it sounds already sounds more then I can out together myself and I agree it's going to be thebest zombie game ever for sure


The question is, Do we keep our weapons from the 1st one? because you said it takes after when they were in the Helicopter at the end. So if we could keep our weapons it would be the best zombie game.


i think its just 2 soon for a sequel to come out not enough time has passed for them to make a good amount of improvments n dead island 1 had a shit ton of glitches bugs n other problems


They started talking about Dead Island in '08 and released Q3 2011. DI: Riptide is being talked about in 2012 so it most likely wont release 2012. I say Q3 2014. My honest opinion.


I play Dead island all the time and loved it. But it needs new things.
Better Graphics
Less Glitchy environment
More weapons( ea. crossbow)
More characters and emotion


So you like Call of duty,
the game that has been an overpriced DLC since mw2?


I heard that it comes out in 2014 i went to gamestop and they gave me a list of coming soon games and the release date so in 2 years is the estimated date time


Out of all the outcomes that would set us up for this game the helicopter crashing was my least favorite idea. It better be AT LEAST on a different island


this is just proof that the first one was a rush job and they had way more potential, why doesnt a studio just make the good game first for once
