What is Infantry Marine Course? - U.S. Marine Corps

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At the Infantry Marine Course, recently graduated enlisted Marines continue their education and training to become a more proficiently trained entry-level infantry Marine. Because Marines must be most prepared for when our Nation is least prepared, the continual training and advancement of skills is crucial to win the battles of today and into the future for our Nation. Watch to learn more about the Infantry Marine Course.
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About the United States Marine Corps:
The Marine Corps defends the people of the United States at home and abroad. Within every Marine is the willingness to engage and determination to defeat any adversary, and it is this fighting spirit that allows us to fight and win our Nation’s battles.
The mission of the United States Marine Corps is made up of three promises: We make Marines, we win our Nation’s battles, and we develop quality citizens prepared to fight and win battles.
You don’t join the Marines—you become one, forged in the crucible of training aboard our recruit depots on Parris Island, South Carolina, and in San Diego, California, or through the dedication required of officer candidates at Officer Candidates School in Quantico, Virginia. Beyond the physical requirements, aspiring Marines must prove they have the honor, courage, and commitment to face and defeat any obstacle.
Today, more than 180,000 enlisted Marines and 23,000 Marine Officers serve in active duty or reserve forces on bases and in communities around the world, proudly carrying with them the core values of the Marine Corps.
Connect with Marine Corps Recruiting:
About the United States Marine Corps:
The Marine Corps defends the people of the United States at home and abroad. Within every Marine is the willingness to engage and determination to defeat any adversary, and it is this fighting spirit that allows us to fight and win our Nation’s battles.
The mission of the United States Marine Corps is made up of three promises: We make Marines, we win our Nation’s battles, and we develop quality citizens prepared to fight and win battles.
You don’t join the Marines—you become one, forged in the crucible of training aboard our recruit depots on Parris Island, South Carolina, and in San Diego, California, or through the dedication required of officer candidates at Officer Candidates School in Quantico, Virginia. Beyond the physical requirements, aspiring Marines must prove they have the honor, courage, and commitment to face and defeat any obstacle.
Today, more than 180,000 enlisted Marines and 23,000 Marine Officers serve in active duty or reserve forces on bases and in communities around the world, proudly carrying with them the core values of the Marine Corps.