Ads and Continuity (Southern Cross TV8/STV8, 28/02/1988)

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Now with chapters, because you're worth it.


0:00 Outro to ad break
0:06 Kellogg’s Corn Flakes (1)
0:36 Katies
1:06 Smith’s Potato Chips
1:35 Pizazz Boutique
2:05 Stuart and Harrison Holden
2:35 Promo: TV8 Tuesday Night
3:06 Return from ad break/PRG/Outro to ad break
3:30 Ford Laser TX3 Turbo
4:02 PSA: Freedom From Hunger
5:02 Cash Tyre Service
5:31 Photo Express
6:02 Promo: 60 Minutes (1)
6:32 Return from ad break/PRG/Outro to ad break
7:05 Mazda 323 Series 2
7:35 LustreWare
9:35 SEC
10:06 Return from ad break/PRG/Outro to ad break
10:26 Kellogg’s Bran Flakes
10:56 CSA: Christmas Bowl/Australian Council of Churches
11:55 King Gee
12:25 Stuart and Harrison Holden (repeat)
12:55 Promo: KTV (1)
13:25 Return from ad break/PRG/Outro to ad break
13:44 Cash Tyre Corner Service Station
14:15 Benetook Automotive
14:44 Ford Laser (1)
15:13 TV8 Sport Cricket Tips (1)
16:10 Promo: 60 Minutes (2)
16:40 Return from ad break/PRG/Outro to ad break
16:57 Kellogg’s Corn Flakes (2)
17:27 Katies (repeat)
17:57 Arm & Hammer Carpet and Deodoriser
18:56 Ford Laser TX3 Turbo (repeat)
19:26 Promo: Bicentennial Australian Football Championships
19:56 Return from ad break/PRG/Outro to ad break
20:17 Photo Express (repeat)
20:48 Volvo/Syd Mills Motors
21:19 Bushells Master Roast
22:17 Benetook Automotive (repeat)
22:47 Promo: The Flying Doctors
23:17 Return from ad break/PRG/Outro to ad break
23:37 Ford Laser (2)
24:08 Silicone Sealant/Vineleaf Stores
24:23 Valvoline Oil (1)
24:52 PSA: CFA
25:51 Homestead Hardware
26:36 Return from ad break/PRG/Outro to ad break
26:51 Promo: Winter Olympics
27:21 Repeats: Smith’s Potato Chips/Kellogg’s Bran Flakes
28:21 Album: Rock ’n’ Roll Originals
29:21 Ford Laser TX3 Turbo (repeat)
29:52 Return from ad break/PRG/Outro to ad break
30:12 Stuart and Harrison Holden (repeat)
30:42 Lipton Tea
31:40 Sugar
32:40 Promo: Bicentennial Australian Football Championships (repeat)
33:10 Return from ad break/PRG/Outro to ad break
33:27 Photo Express (repeat)
33:58 Victour (1)
34:57 CSA: Christmas Bowl/Australian Council of Churches (repeat)
35:56 Ford Laser TX3 Turbo (repeat)
36:27 Return from ad break/PRG/Outro to ad break
36:43 Cash Tyre Corner Service Station (repeat)
37:14 Sticks
37:42 Katies (repeat)
38:12 Victour (2)
39:12 Ford Laser (3)
39:42 Return from ad break/PRG/Outro to ad break
40:00 Mazda RX-7/Syd Mills Motors
40:31 World Expo ’88
42:00 Novus/Complete Windscreens
42:30 Promo: 60 Minutes (1) (repeat)
43:00 Return from ad break/PRG/Outro to ad break
43:16 Promo: Bicentennial Australian Football Championships (repeat)
43:46 Kellogg’s Bran Flakes (repeat)
44:16 TV8 Sport Cricket Tips (2)
45:16 Ford Laser (4)
45:47 Valvoline Oil (2)
46:17 Return from ad break/PRG/Outro to ad break
46:27 Repeats: Benetook Automotive/Novus & Complete Windscreens (1)/Ford Laser TX3 Turbo
48:04 Album: Teen Idols
48:37 Promo: KTV (2)
49:02 Holding slide: Goodyear NASCAR 500
49:31 Return from ad break/PRG/Outro to ad break
49:47 Stuart and Harrison Holden (repeat)
50:18 Ginsu II
52:17 Silicone Sealant/Vineleaf Stores (repeat)
52:32 Novus/Complete Windscreens (2)
52:47 Return from ad break/PRG/Outro to ad break
53:04 Repeats: Cash Tyre Service/Ford Laser (4)/Sticks/Novus & Complete Windscreens (2)
54:55 Holding slide: Goodyear NASCAR 500
56:10 Return from ad break/PRG/Programme outro
56:25 Promo: A Country Practice
56:40 Promo: 1988 Winter Olympics
56:51 TV8 Ident
57:20 Intro: National Nine News

Best viewed at 720p50. Captured from VHS
Рекомендации по теме

3:30 - one of those in that condition & unmodified would be worth an absolute mint these days. Great looking car still!
