SMITE Awilix Guide - Advanced Tips, Tricks & Build (Part 1)

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Topics that are talked about in the video (in order):
- General -
Instant cast all, longer AA reach, Cripples counter hard

- Summon Suku -
Utilize cancel on summon Suku
AA cancel before summon Suku

- Feather Step -
Damage immunity VS CC immunity
Utilizing the passive – use feather step early
Basic air for instant FS
Moonlight charge as gap closer for feather step
Feather step less dmg on third chain hit than first
Feather step with minions nearby
Feather step over walls
Stop Dashes

- Moonlight Charge -
Max range knockup doesn’t pull
Knockup through walls
AA cancel on moonlight charge

-Gravity Surge -
Can be CC’d
Pullable targets
Roid without pull
Roid for tower push
Looking at target when ulting, 70 ft range
Saving ult for leap instead of knockup vs using ult on knockup when leap escape is available

- Other -
Abilities reset AA chain
Playing when behind

- Items / Builds -

--- SMITE advanced Awilix Guide ---

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(Outro) Song: Suffer City - Suffer City Blues
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If it's pronounced awilish then why does she say awillix when you click on her


dude you have the most informative smite content. Really appreciate your videos


in Mayan mythology, the letter "x" is pronounced "sh" just like the letter "a" is not spelled in Hindu mythology. For example, xbalanque and awilix r pronounced "shbalanque" and "awilish" so pls stop saying "x-balanque" and "awilix"


You forgot to mention some little details like you can feather step when enemies still in the Air if you knocked them up. Use your 3 to bait beads, after knock up dont inmediatily pull them to see if they beads. If you knock them up with your 3 and you are at melee range you can basic attack 2 times then ult, this adds up a lot more damage and cc time. You should also mention how important blinking is for her if you are ahead, cause you can land your knock up + ult everytime. also if you are fighting some god that has a leap you and you can knock them up when they fall use 1basic attack then cripple and you are most likely gonna cut his jump. You can 3 and FS right off the bat to Juke better (thats good to avoid a fenrir ult for example or if you are not close to basic attack then FS). And thats pretty much it i could think off, there are other tips but are not axiliw, for example usually after athena taunts people right away turn their backs on athena to run away the fastest they can so you take advantage to try to knock up. Anyways good vídeo duke, gotta love awilix<3


awilix 9.7k kills 4k assist use blink blue stone -> pendant hydras lament -> warrior tabi -> jotunns -> blood forge -> wind demon -> death bringer


you're able to pull a Nox when she pops out of a team mate.


Another tip for Gravity Surge: you can pull Hades when he goes underground (it counts as a leap lol)


For every idiot in the comments who think it is pronounced awiliEX it is spelled awilish like xbalanque.. Anyway good vid duke helped a lot


OK Awilix is my top god. She is my favorite god. She is my best god, and even I learned something from this. Moonlight charge marks targets? Amazing Thank you Duke.


i hope he does cus he is one of my favorite gods and i am always willing to listen up for anything i may not have known


I'm an awilix player, I love her and I really appreciated your video :)! This is an expert analysis and you did it well :)! Nice job :)!


If i used her moonlight charge and knock up 2 enemy gods at same time and use ult then which god will pull .... (is it base on health ) .... this happen in a match with me and i pulled wrong god ( but both of them were at same distance from me)


sometimes I try to pull with my ult and get nothing. The indicator shows that they can be pulled and they don't beads. it's very strange.


Nothings better than starting the day by pulling a enemy God from the fountain. Awilix is Bae.


5:45 there is an error there. I found a way of doing moonlight charge without cancelling the chain of basic attacks. It is quite a bug but it ocures if u dont have it in instacast and u press left and right click at the same time


Being a fan of the ability based Awilix builds, I personally feel Hydra's is almost core on her. It honestly feels to me like the item was custom designed specifically to fit perfectly with her kit. Because it is essentially mandatory to weave basics in between each of her abilities, you can proc this item 2, 3, or even four times back to back on the same character. It does so mush damage with the power pen build that late game i can usually kill squishies just by knocking them up, autoing twice, flipping, and autoing again. Now obviously I am not as good as Duke Sloth and I never will be, but that's just my two cents coming from the standpoint of someone who's best charater is arguably awilix, who has always just connected with awilix's kit and all the complex potential it has. Great video though! Lots of awesome stuff in here that it took me hundreds of games to find out.


So i recently bought Awilix and it's not letting me use my second ability. It only shows a red cross in front of it. And it's only this god i have a problem with. does anyone know how to fix it?


I love how most people in the comments only took out from this video that it is pronounced awilish.


I love that you don’t pronounce it like [a’gwiliks]


@Raviloli * you have to hit the god first before you can use her 2 ability
