'I DO' - rory feek (Rory & Rebecca's Wedding Song)

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"I sang at a wedding this past weekend. The only thing was - the bride had no idea. Neither did most of the family and friends who came. So it was a big surprise for just about everyone there.
...except me."

* song written by Rory Feek
* produced by Matthew Craig Johnson
* video created by Mikel Hunt and Rory Feek
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The way Rory looks at Rebecca! Every woman wants this!


Takes an exceptionally kind, confident and understanding woman to know she’s not filling Joey’s shoes (so to speak) but simply loving this wonderful man and his sweet daughter. ❤ I am so happy to hear this news and to watch this beautiful video.


So happy for them…a mom for Indi and a wife for Rory!! Congratulations 🎊🎉 to Rory Rebecca and Indi!! God is so good!!


I’m so glad he found happiness again. He is such an honorable man.


The smile on Rory's face says it all. So very happy God gave you this amazing blessing.


I cried so many tears of heartbreak when Joey was sick and passed away. I am smiling big today seeing Rory and sweet little Indy join with Rebecca to begin a new, happy chapter of their lives. I know Joey is smiling too.


Oh, my heart melted when I saw this. I'm so happy that he won't be lonely anymore. I am so happy for both of them, along with his daughter.


I followed his and his late wife’s journey .
I am so happy for him and his beautiful daughter .
God bless their marriage . ❤


Im delighted to see Rory is married again. He's such a good man. My own husband of 26 yrs died last year after a five year battle with cancer. Such a lovely song and wedding. May Rebecca, Rory and Indiana have a beautiful life together with well deserved joy. Congratulations ❤🙏


Congratulations, Mr. Feek! If anybody deserves to get Married, you do. You both are keepers. Now, your life is complete again.


Frankly Brother, most men would have folded with what you have been through and that only seen through the public eye. Your private pains; only you and God know. Couldn't be happier for all of you and your bright future. Indy is such the young lady now, well done Mr. Feek. Great song. Congratulations!


When Rory, Rebecca, and Indiana hugged, I started to cry.
Rebecca, you and I talked when we ran into one another at the grocery store, and Indiana spilled the beans she said her teacher and daddy are getting married. When you hugged, and I saw I Indy’s smile, that said it all. That girl is so happy!!!
Congratulations to you both.


Congratulations Rory and Rebecca. May you all have a long happy life together.


The most moving, beautiful wedding song I have ever seen or heard. God Bless this family. I’m in tears.


Congratulations Rory! My foster mom lost my foster dad to cancer on 10-23-2015 and she found somebody. Joey would be happy for you and your daughter. God bless you and Rebecca and your daughter.


My sweet mama passed away five years ago leaving my Father especially heart broken. A couple weeks ago we got word my 87 year-old dad is getting married. He's so thankful he now has a partner to help continue his ministry in Mexico. I couldn't be more happy to see him so happy! Congratulations to you both!


Video Of The Year! God is magnificent! Two deserving gracious humble and kind people. I'm thrilled


Oh Rory - I met Rebecca at the Homestead Festival last year. She is absolutely wonderful. What happy news! I pray God blesses you with a long, and very happy marriage. ♥️


This was so sweet and so perfectly produced....I felt like I was at the wedding too!
The carriage reminded me of the story my great grandmother told of her wedding day in the early 1890s. She was only 18 when she married my great grandfather, and he was a widower with 4 children from his previous wife.
After the ceremony at the local church, a horse drawn wagon was pulled up to her and when she went to climb up into it, her oldest stepchild --- a boy only 5 years her junior --- held out his hand and said to her, "Let me help you up, Mama."
It touched her deeply to her very core. She went on to have 8 more children with my great grandfather...her first was my grandmother, born in 1895!


I don’t know why this ended up in my feed or even why I watched it but it looks like a hallmark movie. It made me cry. I can only dream of some day being in such a loving circle of friends and family. Bless your marriage.
