Mission: Explore Mosul, Iraq (JULIE IN IRAQ)

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In this episode, I explore Mosul, Iraq. The episode begins at a local library, and I pay homage to one of the first libraries in the world: the Library of Ashurbanipal, located near modern-day Mosul. I then cook beef skewers and bread with my host family. Afterward, I visit a bazaar and interview craft people, including a coppersmith and knife smith. I briefly visit Mosul’s Bytna Center for Heritage and then attend a dental conference in the city. I visit local ruins and spend time on a Ferris wheel at a local theme park. Next, I visit the ancient city of Qarakosh, a historically Christian city. I complete the video exploring the streets of Mosul with locals. I interview a local activist on how he has stayed positive throughout the difficulties that the people of Mosul have faced in recent years.

Follow me on IG: @JuliefromLA
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كلش فخورة بكوني عراقيه بتحديد مصلاويه يارب الامن والامان لمدينتنا الحبيبه نزلت دموعي احنا تضرررنا جاا وقت دنقف يارب احفظ مدينتنا


واخيرا ً صار بلد سياحي

{وَسَيَجْزِي اللَّهُ الشَّاكِرِينَ}💗.


اهل الموصل اهل الثقافة والرقي والتقدم واللباقة والاسلوب .. ❤❤ فخر لكل العراق عاصمة الامبراطورية الاشورية العظيمة 🇮🇶


I didn’t visit Iraq since 2017 which was I left, as I’m Iraqi my tears just blow up when I saw the videos! Missing Iraq 🇮🇶


على الرغم من كل الدمار الذي حل عليها الا انها لاتزال من اجمل المدن ❤


Welcome to the great Iraq, if you need anything, we are your brothers💙🇮🇶


Your trip will be a story in the books in Iraq, because many tourists spread what happened with them in Iraq, and their trip became one of the stories in the books.


نايس والله صاغو الاجانب يجون عدنا هسا مديتنا الموص الحبيبة ما شاء الله رغم كل الدمار و الحروب ظلت متمسكة بجمالها و هذا بسبب اهلها الطيبين الي رغم كل الدمار ظلو يحبوها و قلوبهم متصلة بها وما تركوها والله فخر كبيغ انو انا منها


Julie, I would like to thank you for visiting Iraq, there are a lot of content makers who visited Iraq and made videos, but you have a special imprint, the sense of humor, the eagerness of the meeting and your beautiful spirit made everyone who watches your clips smile! Thank you for visiting Iraq. These passages will send a message to the whole world that Iraq is a country of love, giving, mercy and luck. Iraq is a place to live and not as they claim is full of terrorists and militias despite their presence, but Iraq is safe to live, I was hoping to invite you to visit Karbala and Najaf province and stay at dinner with us ❤


Many tourists visited Iraq and made a video, but you are distinguished by your smile and sense of humor when I watch your videos. I smile a lot. Thank you for visiting Iraq, the homeland of civilizations. Continue that you are distinguished and kind.


Hey Julie we need you to tell your people iraq is safe and there's Amazing people looking for peace 🇮🇶♥️🇺🇸🙏


Welcome to our city, Mosul, the land of civilization and beauty I wish you had visited more heritage sites in Mosul


Mosul is a beautiful city. Well done for conveying a good picture of Mosul and Iraq


That's amazing 😻 thank you for that 🇮🇶♥️


Here are some cool places to visit:
1. Al-Nuri Mosque and its famous leaning minaret
2. Mosul Museum to learn about the history and culture of the region
3. Nineveh Ruins and archaeological site
4. Souq al-Nisif, a bustling market showcasing local products and handicrafts
5. Great Mosque of al-Nuri, an ancient mosque with a stunning architecture
6. Baghdadi Museum, showcasing artifacts from the Assyrian and Babylonian empires
7. Al-Majmuaa al-Tusi Street for shopping and dining experiences
8. Chaldean Church of Mar George, an iconic church with a rich history
9. Mashki Gate, a part of the historic city walls
10. Al-Sayed Mohammad Al-Hannoud Stadium for sports fans to catch a game.


Thank you, Julie love each other, and care for our guests. Thank you for conveying a beautiful picture of Iraq. Keep doing this so that everyone knows Iraq and the Iraqi civilization. We love you.


I haven’t been to Iraq since 2008 and it wasn’t a good time. It’s so refreshing seeing the people doing so well.


I am a soldier in the Iraqi army, and I fought in the province of Mosul, and we gave many martyrs. Thank God, my country is safe. Today, you are welcome in my country, and thank you for supporting my country in the media.


الواجب في كل حال تجنب النظر إلى المتبرجات، وغض البصر؛ لأن الله أمر بذلك كما قال سبحانه: قُلْ لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَغُضُّوا مِنْ أَبْصَارِهِمْ وَيَحْفَظُوا فُرُوجَهُمْ [النور:30]، فالمؤمن يغض بصره، ويتقي ربه ويسأل الله العافية


هناك الكثير من المناطق التاريخيه الجميله التي يمكنك زيارتها لاسيما في الغرب العراق و الجنوب فهناك اثار سومريين و الاشوريين و البابليين و الاكديين ❤
