Sino-Russian Relations in Recent Years

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As conflict grows between the United States and Russia, Russia has strengthened its relations with China. In an event co-sponsored by the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center at Hokkaido University, David Wolff will provide an update on the key planks in the partnership between China and Russia. These include economic ties, military cooperation, leadership chemistry, relations in border areas and historical legacies. He will also consider the shared and divergent goals of these two great powers. Kissinger Institute Director Robert Daly will join the conversation as a discussant.
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The CIA has stated that it needs to divorce Sino-Russian relations, which is beneficial to the United States. Any subtext that shows which interests of China and Russia are inconsistent, we must doubt whether he has collected the money.


Very impressive lecture about the current relationship between Russia and China. Other than polarized view on China, youtube finally recommends a channel with insight and knowledge. As a Chinese, I didn't realize that there has been substantial improvement of the relationship between Russia and China recently years. Just as Professor describes in the talk that this partnership seems largely based on the economical mutual interests and friendship between Putin and Xi jingping, I didn't feel the influence from Russia regarding to the cultural exchange. Chinese people still have much stereotypical impression over the Russia, such as crime, hostile to Chinese tourists, poor credibility. I guess same goes with the comments Russian people on China. In a long-term interest, I hope both countries could have more cultural exchange, especially together find a way of effectively confronting the western ideology and cultural invasion.


excellent analysis and great discussion


"Putin is not smiling". Huge argumment. Putin never smiles. Very low analysis level.


Great briefing, but there is a HUGELY crucial event that was overlooked in the speaker's list of Russian/Soviet influences in China: the deployment of tens of thousands Soviet technical advisors & massive Soviet financial & industrial aid to China in the 50s. This provided the critical STEM talent & "seed funding" that China needed to begin its industrialization & modernization. The reason that "everything is made in China" today is due in no small part to the Soviet industrial foundations built in China in the 50s. Even though this massive Soviet nation-building program ended in acrimony due to the Sino-Soviet split, without that crucial decade of foundational industrialization, China would be 20+ years behind where it is today. The fact that the USSR funded such an unprecedented nation-building program in the PRC, especially during the devastating aftermath of WW2, shows a degree of genuine, good-faith partnership that should be remembered by all.


Good analysis, interesting to hear.
I was fairly surprised by the "almost nobody in Russia benefited from the cooperation with China" comment. I do get where the sentiment comes from as given how well the economies ought to compliment each other, the trade is barely there. Up to just a few years back there were virtually no trade in agriculture due to governments not opening the markets to each other and even now the scope of it is still limited to just a small list of allowed products. And the picture is not too different in most other goods either. But even if you look at those pipeline projects, they each have a clear positive dimension for the local economy. E.g. the "Power of Siberia" pipeline is expected to bring gas heating to over a million extra households along its route as well as fuel a huge Amur Gas Processing Plant in Russian Amur region. Such projects also clearly have encouraged Russia to invest more in the local infrastructure and the newly built railroads, highways, bridges and ports have certainly affected the life there in a positive manner.


There are a couple of bridges, everything on the Chinese side was completed on schedule. However, on the Russian side the fund allocated disappeared. When the bridge fund was refunded. The bridge construction was short by 100 meters on the Russian side. China finally
complete the construction for the Russians. There was deliberate slow down by the Russian local officials. Funny games played.


I thought Trump knows how to do business (always end up in bankruptcy)


Any relationship between the CCP and Putin will never end good. Whether it be between themselves or in relationship to themselves and other Nations.


in the long run, you can't have two big dogs in the same kennel without one claiming dominance... that applies worldwide... but also in a local sphere. Sooner or later, China will start exerting dominance over central Asia (which Russia has traditionally exerted influence over for the last That will lead to a backlash, no matter how much economic ties you have.


Russia is a western country and likely to join nato in the future


So bottom line is "China is running it's own show on everybody, and is willing to bend down if needed, as Xi Jin Ping went to Putin, and started love affair himself.
And the first question, the Holywood, it's over we are under Korean wave 🌊, Hallyu, West art is over... I found this question so silly, that makes me think how much Americans can be out of touch, and how they mix "cultural" with the topic of the show. Not to say that art criticism is not interesting, but it was simply not the topic of this show, regardless how interesting it might be, art criticism is way too academic for general audience.


Good discussion except for climate change bs.
