Care Team Nursing Critically Endangered Sea Turtles Back to Health

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New Orleans animal experts were working to nurse 16 endangered sea turtles back to health, after the animals were found cold-stunned off the coast of Massachusetts.

The Audubon Aquarium Rescue, part of the Audubon Nature Institute, took the turtles into care after they were airlifted to a warmer climate, a press release on December 19 said.

According to a statement from the aquarium, turtles “can face deadly consequences” if they don’t migrate south in time before waters cool.

“When turtles are cold-stunned, their heart and breathing rates slow and they become lethargic, unable to find food, and are at risk of being hit by boats as they float along the ocean surface. Fortunately, these turtles were rescued,” the statement said.

The turtles will be released into the Gulf of Mexico once they recover, the aquarium said.
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