The Sims 5 (project rene) gameplay

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So apparently this is The Sims 5, the new generation of The Sims franchise. What are your thoughts?

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They looked at paralives when coming to making stuff in build and was like “I’m about to steal 😌”


I miss how Sims 2 didn't have loading screens and had a sense of openess, miss when you could walk around town, and cars were drivable. The world was still happening around you.


Please add a proper "open world" with transport like drivable vehicles again.


I really don't trust this to be honest as a Sim/Sim Family-based simmer.
Every sim game before Sims 4 had their sneak peeks showing purely sims-based gameplay and then build/buy while this one jumps right into the build and buy mode features.

It really shows what they're actually focusing on and are proud of, which makes me feel that the sims franchise is heading straight to being a game for builders only. I'm not saying that build and buy should take a back-seat or anything, but they really need to remember what made the sims such an amazing game in the first place; which was the sims themselves; and go back to their roots rather than focusing on what's currently popular and mainstream. There's a reason why so many people complain about the Sims 4 being so boring (especially unmodded players) and also why the only players actually spending their time on the game are the ones who only do building and nothing else.

The Sims is supposed to be a life simulation game, not ONLY a house building-simulator.


This NEEDS the open world from 3. There are so many aspects of 3 that need to be brought to the modern era. Sims 3 really was before its time. Trying to do things that the hardware simply couldnt handle. Maxis (whats left of it) now has the opportunity to actually bring these features to their intended state


Don't do it, Don't do it Maxis, Don't create an online only Sims game, Put the gun down, Don't do it....


I'm SO happy we're going to get TS3 style customization! The color wheel and material picker were one of my favorite building features in that game.
Now I'm just interested to see if we get the open world back or not. I'm sure they could make it a LOT more optimized than it was in TS3. And if we don't get an open world, we should at least have something like TS2 where you can still see the physical world from the lot selection screen and place lots and decorations instead of TS4's uneditable picture....


The problem with the sims 4 is because I am not the type of player who likes to build things, I don’t want to spend my time building houses, I want to play the simulation and the sims 4 is an awful simulation game. So my concern with the sims 5 is if they choose to go to the same path as they did with the sims 4. I want something immersive like the sims 2 and 3 did to us.


So, they feel threatened by the ongoing development of Paralives... mhmm...


I want an actual simulation game with depth like Sims 1-3. Not an inflated build and decoration game.


Yaaaay another always online game.
"Use your phone, buy our microtransactions!"

Calling it now.


This is going to be a live service game I can feel it lol

The Sims 4 was originally going to be a a live service online game. So it makes sense theyd try to go back to what they wanted in the first place.


They don't talk about the gameplay bruh they just want to do a good looking sweet home 3D


The changing of patterns and colors already existed in sims 3. But i’m glad it’s coming back after skipping this feature in sims 4


The customization of the furniture, complete with little pillows you can place, fabric patterns, and altering the cushions all looks like fun to me. I look forward to the next update and hopefully soon some update about Sims themselves.


if they are making it phone friendly that doesn't bode well..for sims 5 is it going to be full of microtransactions who knows probably maybe yes


Ok so I just looked a devblog of Paralives and they seems to do all better than the Sims, I love the Sims licence but I'm affraid. I'm affraid that EA feel the pressure and force Maxis to realese an unfinished game that looks just like Paralives but cheaper.
I saw that, in Paralives, the height of the shoes will impact the height of the players (and so much more crazy advanced things/features).... I mean, The Sims 4 was just a Sims 3 version with less content and functionalities and soooo much expension/sive DLCs...
Paralives is developped by 10 people

Do u think The Sims are dead ?


Ohhhh! Suggestions!!!: Make dirty versions of all the items! So we can go clean em! Give them a functional duster or spray bottle? LET our sims MICROWAVE THEIR LEFTOVERS. Hot tubs. Things that take several steps of clicking to complete (like gardening and lama craftings and cooking in 4) that make u cross the maps or go on vacation or to the library, GIVE US REASONS TO GO TO THE COMMUNITY LOTS. Let us work from home as healthcare so we can be mad scientists! Let us experiment on vampires and werewolves as well as as plant sims and make em get a potion or see a doctor to turn back to normal. THINK IT THRU. Was the animation even satisfying? The ability to change the lengths of the animations would be nice as a behind the scenes setting. Less rabbitholes Foodfights, bad manners that make messes at mealtimes, the ability to punch walls and destroy the environment when in a bad mood. The ability for stuff to wear out and be repaired. Allow us mor interactions with babies and toddlers than "whats this" give us "is this biteable?" Or let them talk to random items, let babies put fingerprints all over everything they touch that paeents have to clean (like how ghosts in 4 drip ectoplasm, babies could leave tracks if muddy or soiled) more idle animations. Can u make them allowed to sneeze? Maybe an animation where they mill about when bored? I dont just stand there when im bored i walk around and stare... then repeat till im near something i want. The ability to bump into and break your furnature and stuff if clumsy or if youve had to many.


Inzoi brought me here just to say, Sheesh, Sims is in trouble. lol


The feature from sims 3 returned in project rene
