No Waste Challenge – Haven't we all been bad designers?

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Around the world, landfills are growing by some 3.5 million tonnes of garbage every day. Every minute, the equivalent of a truckload of plastic enters the sea. Meanwhile, the same amount of clothing — much of it still good-as-new — is thrown out every second. Considering that waste is no accident, that’s a lot of bad design.

So much bad design, that we had to ask: have we all been bad designers? Knowing the creative industries’ track record of making things desirable one day, and disposable the next, the answer was glaring. Indeed, we have become a huge part of the problem.

Venturing some ideas in the video campaign are seven renowned design thinkers — Alice Rawsthorn, Bruce Mau, Fernando Laposse, Fred Gelli, Nelly Ben Hayoun, Selly Raby Kane and Yoshiharu Tsukamoto — who weigh in on where design went wrong and what we can do to fix it.

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All the answers to this problem lies into the Indian culture. We had sustainability living for the centuries and living with minimal waste was our thing before British colonisation. Listing few examples, 1. We were using "daatun"(a little branched of the babool trees) instead of tooth-brush 2. People used to take clothed bag with them whenever they went shopping. 3. We used to eat in the eco friendly utensils made from banana leaves, etc if we had no choice of eating in the metal based utensils. 4. All the families had some sort of plantation done in the veranda of their houses. 5. We used to use basic products like milk, etc to take bath instead of chemical based soaps, and many many more!

We can't wait to see all the ideas that come out of this!


How can we help and participate? Let's design it!
