How Are We Transforming The Education System? | Vishen Lakhiani

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What would happen if everyone had the skills and knowledge to live truly extraordinary lives? It’s time to make the education shift from being taught facts to being taught these.

If you’re like millions around the world, you may be frustrated with the global education system – a standardized model that impedes our individuality and attempts to contain us within labels that are obsolete. This century-old system has left most of us in debt for the sake of a paper qualification that doesn't even guarantee jobs that cultivate our greatest potential or make us happy; instead, we are stuck with ordinary jobs where we survive instead of thrive.

There’s a way to fill these education gaps. Imagine an education model that keeps the best of the old but innovates new ideas that teach you how to adopt great mindsets, have healthier relationships, be a better partner or parent, attain wellbeing, and not just live a “successful” life – but a deeply meaningful and extraordinary one. If you’re with us in making this a reality, watch this video and see what we're doing to help make this happen.

This is the mission of Mindvalley — a company dedicated to bringing a whole new curriculum to human education that is focused on health, wellness, mindfulness, connectedness and the things that truly make us live a life that's happy and thriving.


00:00 Current age of technology
00:39 How should we change the education system to take advantage of the technology
02:09 People with different learning wishes
02:55 Complete educational system
04:19 Education should teach us How to lead extraordinary life


Extraordinary By Design is Mindvalley's free course that helps you to unveil a fundamentally new way to think about your work, your social connections and your goals.

When you look at your goals as tools to get the experiences that make you happy, grow rapidly, and contribute to the world — you can then break your life down into 12 distinct areas.

These 12 areas are so interconnected that when one is lacking, it will pull down the others. But when you elevate one, it with elevate your entire life.

#education #transformation #VishenLakhiani
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What do you think is missing from our average school classes?


Thank god at last I hear the words and ideas that I have believed for nearly all of my 74 years, especially about education! I understand that we need some order in our lives together, like ants and bee's do, as we live within a community and have to coexist, but that does not mean we become zombies and not think for ourselves, so bravo and thank you for sharing with the world....go take on the world don't let them squash you into their mould, be your own person but gently with no harm or lack of respect, and I know I can learn some more as that never stops or should not till your last breath!


While I was in school I didn't learn like other students, so I grew up believing I was stupid, teachers really made me feel dumb....There were a few who took their time with me & I'll forever be grateful for the ones that did.. I know so many ppl who feel the same way. As an adult, I've learned so much on my own, my curiosity to learn & grow never stopped, & slowly but surely I've realized just how intelligent I am, but it's taken me years to get to this point. I still don't think schools are a good place for me to learn though, even college. They need to teach kids differently, not all kids learn the same. Yet they sit them all down & expect them to learn the same & if they don't, they're judged & singled out or worse left behind like I was. Everything I've learned I've learned outside of school. Public school didn't teach me much education wise. I think schools should find out what children's strengths & talents are & focus on those. I think they need to teach different kids in different ways. I learn hands on mostly, not by sitting in a class under florescent lights while a teacher drones on. I fall asleep or day dream, unless I'm passionate about what they're saying. I also think after awhile teachers get burned out, and it shows... Kids see it & feel it, and because of this, lose interest and don't learn. So I think teachers maybe need some type of motivation to stay passionate about what they're doing too. Anyways, just my two cents. ;-) Much love, keep doing what you're doing!!! <3 Love all the other comments and ideas too!


When I first heard Vishen talk about what was missing in education, I realized he was putting into words what has been my philosophy during my 30+ teaching years. My first goal was to teach how to think and how to learn. How to have fun learning. How to connect with others of all races and beliefs through the joy learning. How to pass the stupid tests that most education is geared to, even though my students didn't speak English. I am gratified by Vishen's intellectual, emotional and spiritual depth.


I agree completely with Vishen's eloquent and passionate manifesto. It's why I left high school in the late sixties to go to India, and why I homeschooled my daughter, who is now a brilliant scholar working on the climate change problem. Bravo to your grand vision!


Dear Vishen, what you want I want that too. The world would be a better place with understanding, courrage and we would all be a lot happier.. As a psychologist and psychotherapist, I do all I can to give people a more lucky life and that is what is my mission. For me it is a vocation, I do every consult for free because that is what makes me happy. You are a marvelous man by doing what you do. Love peace and happiness for everyone. Sincerely, Lutje


Yes, we need to shift what is important to learn to live a better life. While having a general knowledge (what is typically taught in schools) is somewhat useful - the joy of learning is often taken away due to the method of teaching. As Vishen states, being able to gain knowledge at the tip of your fingertips changes how to learn data. It does have a downside though. Many people are not gaining the skills to be able to ask good questions or know how to get from A to B, let alone A to C and incorporate B because it makes sense to do so. Getting answers without learning on your own does not develop curiosity or imagination as well. Learning to be creative, proud of yourself and abilities, and making good choices and decisions definitely needs more nurturing in school and at home.


The world has changed so much since I was at school and yet my son is getting exactly the same state school education I did. The same subjects being taught in the same way - it makes no sense. Thank you for this call for education change with the world.


Absolute common sense you'd think the Governments in the know would introduce all of these topics into the standard curriculum, imagine how different the world would be if they did...


Thank you Vishen for leading a new mindset for our world, so we can groom ourselves and our children for success through empowering ourselves, our souls, our minds, and our bodies with evolving teachings like the ones Mindvalley Academy provides.

Blessings of Love and Light to all Mindvalley!


You are changing my life for better sir! I'm really happy I came across your videos! Thanks a million and go ahead make the world a better place!


this is what I'm talking about..this is so true... I TOTALLY AGREE WITH THIS 100%!!


Vishen, i agree with you about the education system. I live in The Netherlands and it's the same here. I have set up a lobby to get the NLP (neuro linguistic programming) tools and communication basics integrated in the schools. Is not easy to get that roling, bet thankfully there are more initiatives in that area. I like the steps towards emotional insights we are making in the education system, but we could go much faster. It's really nice to see that all over the world the shift to personal growth is going on. Thx.


Great ideas! I love this. In many ways schools, K-12 and college, fail their students. Helping students build self confidence, self esteem, .... are very important.


this is my first time to log in and within a short period of time, i am encouraged to move on with life which I had given up with.I am currently in university but taking the course that I was forced to do so I had given up and thought that my whole life had been ruined, thanks to mindvalley.


Impressed by the mission statement. It's as if you are speaking my mind. All the best for initiating the process and congratulations for being the pioneer in the inquest that's phenomenal.


I have had the same philosophy about education and learning for a long time. I'm happy that Mindvalley is making these types of classes available to people. However, many of these skills, such as meditation, communication, success skills, etc should be taught in elementary school all the way through college. We need a complete overhaul of the educational system in the United States.
Teach children how to eat right, how important exercise is, how to meditate and deal with anger issues without resorting to physical violence. I won't see it in my lifetime, but if people are motivated to change their lives now, there are programs such as these that will help them reach their goals, for a fee. But my personal feeling is that it should be free and taught to children when they are young. What a different world it would be.


Amazing out of the box thinking .... hope more schools adopt your vision and make a difference to education


Woooww, I've been inscribed on your page for some time, I've been watching some of youtube videos that were coming to me, but today, here and now, I went in, because there was a course by T.Harv Eker in his training group Coach, At the moment (and I hope and desire for a long time) is my Mentor, and by "chance" I found a Course, where I worked from Spirituality and I was interested! And I saw that from your "Academy" and here and now, seeing you, listening to you, listening to you, and feeling "sentimentally" from the heart and Soul, I loved your space! I felt energetically that it was a "Great Space" and I was fascinated with your messages, as well as in your thoughts, feelings, energy and that Great and Fantastico Espiritú that I felt!

Simple, and simply ... EXTRAORDINARY! <3

At the moment, I was speechless .. sorry .. _ /! \ _

I also want to apologize, because I am Catalan, I live in Catalonia near Barcelona, ​​I am Spanish, and for many many years I have not practiced and lost much of your language both for work and personal matters.


It has been a pleasure to meet you!

Sending you, everything, all my Love !!

Always yours,

Maite Arbonés
Lleida - Catalonia (Spain)
Tf +34 629818800


Thank you for this nice gift in the rainy day
