Sos Hunts But The Video Ends Once I Hunt Valstrax (Sunbreak)

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Hey Everyone!! Sos Hunts But The Video Ends Once I Hunt Valstrax (Sunbreak), In todays video i finally decided to let sos in sunbreak redeem itself after the last time (4 cheaters in a row back to back) and decided to end it once i fought either a valstrax or shagaru. Hope You Enjoy

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Рекомендации по теме

can you make a video showing good db builds for lower mr? I'm mr5 and just beat malzeno


Is it possible for you to try to take on a 4 player hp monster alone??


Are there any benefits in using Berserk Lv 2? I'm thinking about using Berserk for my Elemental SnS Weapons.
