Project CARS is GOATED 🐐

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Don't cry becuase it's gone, smile becuase it changed sim racing - Magnom

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Rig Specs
➡️️Simetik K2R + GTOmega XL RS seat (Sent by Simétik and GTOmega)
➡️️Fanatec DD1 + DDPRO DD 8Nm (Sent by Fanatec)
➡️️Fanatec V3 pedals
➡️️Fanatec Clubsport Shifter
➡️️Fanatec Clubsport handbrake

PC Specs:
➡️️AMD RYZEN 7 3700x
➡️️32GB RAM
➡️️EVGA 3070 XC3 Black

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This game was my genuine intro to "Sim Racing" beyond titles like Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport, and my first dive into racing with a wheel and pedals. I've always felt like it was unfairly criticized. It's got so much to offer, and most of it is at least decent, if not great. But people are people so they're always gonna focus on the handful of bits that aren't great.


The main menu music has to be some of the best I've heard in any game


I really really wish Project Cars 3 never came to fruition but instead Project Cars 2 was kept being worked on. It had SO MUCH POTENTIAL. It's such a damn shame honestly.


Well done for sending some love in the Project Cars 1 & 2 direction. The realistic assist feature was superb as was the scope. I feel in the past too much focus was put on what it didn't do right rather than what it did magnificently !


I have to agree that after I got PC2 on a sale, I never understood the "hate" towards it. OFC it's not the most hardcore sim but has lots of QOL features missing everywhere else.


The best and most diverse track list in sim racing.


I loved Project Cars 2 when it came out. I still love it. I will always love it. I’d love it if people appreciated everything it was instead of focusing on how many of Ian Bell’s overpromises it didn’t keep. It was far from perfect, and it might not be “hardcore” enough for some, but that game was GREAT.


As a console racer PC1 was the game that introduced me to simracing, since it was definitely a step up in realism compared to Gran Turismo, which I played before. Got some fond memories racing in an open wheel league on PC1 and 2, absolutely loved the Formula Gulf and was gutted it wasnt included in PC2.
Plenty of things wrong with those games, but they do hold a special place in my heart


"oh no, project cars 2 is gone"
Me downloading a pirated copy of the game


As a former dev (enviro art/tracks)of this sim this video really brighten my day :-)


I still play pcars2, what I’ve learned is if you can tweak the setup right you can have a good time racing! Love your videos keep it up!


I was in love with PC2... Sadly as soon as played AC I was unable to return to PC2 and physics started to feel awkward...


What I'm going to miss the most about pcars is the fact that it helped bring true simracing to consoles. Before the series came the most "simulation" game you could dream of was Gran Turismo and Forza. The fact it was a full on simulator for consoles really fleshed out the genre and since its demise there just won't be another console sim title.

It was a perfect "gateway sim" into the wider world and now its gone. RIP.


F40, rainy nights, Green Hell, VR = good times


A few months more support, and pC2 could have been one of the greatest racers out there (for me it is, nonetheless). But many little an bigger problems never got fixed and a rude start ruined it for the majority of racers, that never came back to see how good it was in the core. I hope Reiza will bring AMS2 to the perfection, that pC2 deserved.


Nothing better than a full NASCAR field at the Knockhill Tri-oval.


I still play PC2 to this day most of the time on VR. The performance is actually pretty good with my 3600 and 3070 and is quite immersive when the sun goes down


I'm seriously thinking of buying PC2 instead of spending £70 on Gran Turismo 7! I miss the old days when you bought a game, and everything you needed was already instead. We now have quarterly patches and constant DLCs in modern games to keep you spending yet more money.


I've always loved this game eversince I put my first step in sim-racing world. In fact, Pc1 was the first game that helped me discovered the sim-racing and everything that follows later on (and leave arcade completely). Eventhough it is still underrated, it's a pretty good all-rounder for whoever wants a fresh start in a more realistic approach (not to mention the mod community also helps in making more content, eventhough is isn't anywhere close to AC mods)


Project Cars 2 with Pops FFB mod is GOD TIER
