James Gunn Reacts to Gina Carano Firing - Should He Have? - Hollywood Hypocrisy

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James Gunn, who was fired (and later rehired) to Disney's Guardians of the Galaxy franchise has been caught LIKING certain tweets, tagging him regarding Gina Carano's recent firing from Disney's The Mandalorian. I like James Gunn, but I was disappointed to see him get involved, and seemingly LIKE disparaging jabs at Gina. Is this more Hollywood Hypocrisy? Share your thoughts down below...
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Popcorned Planet offers Nerd News on Movies, TV, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, UFOs, and Pop Culture Outrage incluyding Justice for Johnny Depp coverage. Created and hosted by Andy Signore (creator of ScreenJunkies, Honest Trailers, MovieFights, Hugging The Cactus, Movie World, Man At Arms and more). PopcornedP lanet is your one stop place for Movie Talk, Movie Scoops, and Pop Culture Commentary.
James Gunn Reacts to Gina Carano Firing - Should He Have? - Hollywood Hypocrisy
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