Help baby learn to roll

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Practicing rolling at 3-4 months. Time spent as a newborn in tummy time should gradually shift into rolling practice as baby learns the dimensions of their body and how their muscles work. Rolling is a key milestone with lots of benefits:
👣Strength Building: Rolling over engages those adorable baby muscles, paving the way for overall strength development. It’s like their little gym session, building a foundation for future movements.
👣Motor Skill Mastery: Mastering the art of rolling over hones essential motor skills. It’s a stepping stone to crawling, sitting up, and exploring the world around them. Each roll is a victory lap in their own developmental race!
👣Spatial Awareness: Rolling over isn’t just about flipping from tummy to back – it’s a spatial awareness superstar! It teaches babies to understand their body in relation to their surroundings, laying the groundwork for coordination and balance.
👣Independence Boost: Rolling over empowers our mini-adventurers. It’s their way of saying, ‘Hey world, I got this!’ Fostering a sense of independence and boosting those early confidence levels.

So what can you do to help if your little just wants to chill on their back? Rolling is all about the hips. The trunk and arms will follow.

#BabyRolls #TinyTriumphs #MilestoneMoments
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Can you do a video on belly to back? My baby mastered back to belly and can’t roll back which is freaking me out lol!


That’s actually a pretty simple tactic.
