#21. Slice & Splice Methods in JavaScript Telugu
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In JavaScript, the slice() and splice() methods are used to manipulate arrays. While they have similar names, they have different functionalities.
slice() method:
The slice() method creates a new array that contains a copy of a portion of an existing array. It does not modify the original array. The slice() method takes two optional parameters: start and end. It returns a new array containing elements from the start index up to, but not including, the end index.
splice() method:
The splice() method changes the contents of an array by removing, replacing, or adding elements. It modifies the original array. The splice() method takes three parameters: start, deleteCount, and optional items. The start parameter specifies the index at which to start modifying the array. The deleteCount parameter specifies the number of elements to remove from the array, and the items parameter (optional) specifies the elements to add to the array.
slice() method:
The slice() method creates a new array that contains a copy of a portion of an existing array. It does not modify the original array. The slice() method takes two optional parameters: start and end. It returns a new array containing elements from the start index up to, but not including, the end index.
splice() method:
The splice() method changes the contents of an array by removing, replacing, or adding elements. It modifies the original array. The splice() method takes three parameters: start, deleteCount, and optional items. The start parameter specifies the index at which to start modifying the array. The deleteCount parameter specifies the number of elements to remove from the array, and the items parameter (optional) specifies the elements to add to the array.