“I want to talk a little more about the death of my granddaughter!” #downtonabbey #series #shorts

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I think she was being unfair to the doctor. There was no good reason for Sybil not to be in the hospital. She should have had the operation. Even if she died anyway Cora would have felt like everything that could be done had been done.


I had preclamcia in 1973. The temporary doctor didn't know, I didn't know and only when I had the baby was I kept in hospital for 10 days on strong antibiotics because of preclampcia.


Robert made a high handsed decision based on classist bias. That is fact.

Relieving Robert of the consequences of that behavior keeps him from learning anything.


My sister nearly died of pre eclampsia. An early c section saved her life but my neice was born at 27 weeks. She is 22 now


The doctor didn’t create that rift between this married couple. The husband refused to listen to the doctor, being focused on “the way that we’ve always done things”. As a result, his decreased his daughter’s chance of survival🙁


it was nice that even though she definitely knows what she wants him to say she tells him he doesn't have to lie, but find out what he can. so...she's not completely neutral, but these days people would just expect someone to lie for them if they're powerful enough to control them. but back then lying was a pretty big thing among those with a reputation so she'd be asking for something huge (and might not get it) if she just asked him to say what she wanted/lie.


I agree that in an age before antibiotics, surgeries were more risky. Nowadays, Robert might not have given a cesarean section a second thought now that it's a routine procedure but at that time, it had more complications even in the best hospitals. To summarize, women at this time period undergoing a C-section were at higher risks of:
Infection - no antibiotics yet and sterility practices while existing were not yet as standardized as today
Bleeding - suturing techniques and materials are also not as standard as today nor as strong which increased chances of it prematurely opening (wound dehiscence). Furthermore, blood transfusion was not as widespread as now.
Anesthesia - there's a reason an entire specialization revolves around anesthesia. General anesthesia requires knowledge of the body and chemistry of the anesthetics as well as round the clock monitoring. Regional anesthesia like the routine spinal block for C-section didn't exist yet at this time.
Neonatal outcomes - babies coming from such a procedure were more likely to develop infection after birth.

Overall, Robert would not agree to a C-section unless he were convinced it was the absolutely last resort to save Sybil. This is how risky it was in this time period. Although yes, his belief in Sir Philip played a huge role in his lack of action.


Even after a century of experience, there is still uncertainty involved in these decisions. The difference is that now with the benefit of a century of experience, surgery can be performed with much less risk. It's obvious that a C-section has a better chance of success now, but it wasn't clear then.


No, dad and his fancy London doctor are who killed Sybil . Don’t put it on the local doctor. Cora would have listened to him and Sybil might have lived.

Put the blame where it belongs.


here Granny is incorrect & manipulates the county doctor by guilting him into lying 🤥 to save Cora & Lord Grantham’s marriage. I think 🤔 a heartfelt apology to Cora would have been a good start by her husband


It was not his fault. This was an unnecessary visit. He could only do what he knew from experience or from trials he had heard about. He was not the reason for the problems within the family.


The thing is, a caesarean section birth is named that because supposedly Julius Caesar was born that way. It’s been used for a long time.


mommy keeping her son coddled at all costs


Unfortunately, I can only see this as another of the dowager countess's selfish schemes. After all, her disdain for Americans had always extended somewhat to Cora. But if Cora were to leave Robert then she would likely go back to the U.S., and whenever Mrs. Levinson died there would be no more of Cora's family money flowing into Downton. That would be on top of the scandal of Robert getting a divorce. Violet could be quite ruthless.


Dowager used her position to force the doctor to change his story. It was wrong of her. As usually throughout the series she uses her position and status to get her way.


That doctor should have retired earlier. So arrogant and always had to get HIS way.
