Jupiter through the Houses in Astrology

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Jupiter through the houses in Astrology

Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion is not one of the personal planets. This is why it's house placement is more significant than the sign when it comes to how it informs the personality.

If you want to know where you could be the most lucky, you should know where your Jupiter is.

This video goes through the different house placements of Jupiter and what they mean.

0:00 Intro
8:30 Jupiter Return
13:39 1st House
18:50 2nd House
21:34 3rd House
25:03 4th House
28:15 5th House
33:23 6th House
40:56 7th House
44:00 8th House
47:12 9th House
49:12 10th House
53:26 11th House
56:53 12th House

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My Jupiter is in 8th & I literally just googled yesterday “how to know if you have the gift of mediumship” 😂😅


Jupiter in the 8th in pisces, and yes my house has flooded, lol😢
I also have nearly drowned a few times scary.
But I can connect with spirits also scary sometimes.


33:23 Jupiter 6th house, and I’m a stay at home mom for 10 years - sounds right!


Jupiter in the 12th. Last second savior. The against all odds underdog victory when all is lost.


Jupiter in 6th (the Cinderella placement) - I’ve found I’ve grown and learned through some suffering or difficulties. I’m also good at teaching / talking in tough subjects - like bullying and violence, self harm etc. I use my bad experiences to help others. That’s how I’ve linked with my Jupiter.


Jupiter in the sixth. This is damn true. No one could identify this before, but when I heard from you it feels so relatable.


Jupiter in the 6th in Gemini. I feel like everything I am going through is creating a book I will eventually write. But in order to feel "happy" at my job, I just had to remove the concept that my job was about me. And instead, look at it as "how can I serve you" ... after that, my salary became pretty good and people respect me half the time (the other half of the time no one listens to me but I've learned to not take it personally). I have added bonus of Mercury Retrograde in the 3rd house (Aries) so the only time people actually hear me is if I shut up, oddly enough. Seems extended silence lets them get all their thoughts out and then their ears open. People seem to think being happy in one's job is actually important. I thought that. So I was unhappy for a long time because i equated happiness with feeling important. When I realized a job was a combination of an opportunity to serve humankind and an exchange of time for money, I felt more in choice ... as in, I am choosing to exchange my lifeforce for this amount of money. At present time, the money is worth it, work is mundane, and that is enough. Satisfaction is unique for all of us.


Hey 💕😀!

My Jupiter is in Capricorn in the ninth . Saturn is also there, but they are not conjunct. This made me think of 12 year periods In my life.
when I was 12 I had a spiritual awakening that was like kundalini Shaktipat. Then at age 24 I learned how to do Candleflame, gazing, which resulted in more awakenings to the spirit world. After that things got a little more earthy such as age 36 when I bought my first house. Recently at age 60 I entered my first bodybuilders bikini competition, and that was during the Covid year 2020. I have always been optimistic. I spent a lot of years as a teacher of various subjects. I love the results of brutally hard work, such as in the gym. Jupiter also makes a trine with my ascendant and my moon/pluto.


Simply amazing! I got Jupiter conjunct my rising and you are right, there is an emphasis always on personal development, is all about you basically sometimes.


My youngest boy has Jupiter in the 3rd and his brother is actually a Sagittarius and definitely larger than life🤣

And another fun fact.
I have Jupiter in the 4th in placidus and I grew up abroad and we spoke two languages in the home🤗

And yes I love time by myself at home. I need privacy 😂😂

I also teach English online at home!

I have Jupiter in the 5th in whole sign and yes I am a flirt lolol.
And yes I love kids. Always wanted them (used to work with kids) and now have 2!
My oldest just HAPPENS to be a Sagittarius (very jupitarian 🤣)

I am self employed as well!


If you're thinking about what videos you are going to create, you may want to do an updated version of this one at some point. I didn't watch past the second house, but up to that point there were some issues with the feed, and the video froze a few times and there were some audio distortions. I was still able to follow what you were saying overall.


This was an interesting talk. I appreciate that you discussed how Jupiter can also feel kind of "meh" during its return. For quite some time, Jupiter in Taurus was hyped up prior to Jupiter entering that sign (my sun sign), so it was something I looked foward to. It probably wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it wasn't exactly great either. If I wanted to be really philosophical, I could make the case that Jupiter provided some buffers. But Jupiter entered Taurus in mid-May 2023, but the lead-in to that was fraught with challenges.

RSV in November 2022, Covid in December 2023, discovered my dog had a large mass on his abdomen in late December 2023 but couldn't get an appointment for him until mid-January, then we find out he has early kidney disease, and he has to go on a special diet - which he hates - before he can have surgery to remove the mass. I'm spending hours a day trying to cook for him and get him to eat, and he looks for all the world like he's fading away before my very eyes.

Then I slip and fall dislocating one knee and then breaking it and my ankle on the same side. This injury took me well into the autumn before some of the lingering symptoms improved, but it's still a "thing" to some degree.

In March and April, two marriages in our family ended, and we ended up playing the emotional support role. One family member moved in with us from March to July bringing an infestation of cockroaches with them from their apartment in Florida. At that point, I was still extremely incapacitated from my broken bones. 😱 Fortunately the cockroach problem was resolved pretty quickly.

My dog finally had surgery to remove a bigger than baseball-sized tumor in June or July. I question the quality of the vet's surgical skills. On the day my dog was supposed to get his stitches out, he started dropping massive clots, and his insides were coming out. He had to have emergency surgery. The Jupiter influence here could have been the wonderful vet who performed the second surgery, and did such a nice job on the stitches that I noticed it and complimented her on it. My dog was diagnosed with a soft tissue sarcoma, graded at a level consistent with shortened survival time. We didn't do chemo, I just started giving him a lot of supplements, and we took him off the special diet that he hated so he could enjoy whatever time he had left. Well, his kidney function that had worsened on the kidney diet improved. That wasn't supposed to happen. He's also still alive today, enjoying life, and doing well for the time being. We haven't hit the one year mark yet, but I'm hopeful he will continue to do well. So that was a blessing. It was expensive though. We didn't get a break on the cost of the second surgery because the first surgery was performed by a less than competent doctor.

In September, we lost an important family member who died unexpectedly. Someone stole something of value from me at or after the funeral. (!)

In January, a family member quit speaking to me, and for the last half of the Jupiter return, nothing really bad happened, but nothing really good did either. We've kind of found ourselves just continuing to deal with things related to some of the earlier things that happened in the months prior. Pet issues have figured prominently, though, and trying to keep them alive and as healthy as possible for as long as possible has been a big focus for me. So far, so good.

That was my 12 year Jupiter return. I did sign up for different classes which are mostly self-directed, but I haven't been able to really dive into them with everything else going on, so I'm hoping the classes will be seeds that bear good fruit from this Jupiter return over the next few years. I think the analogy of the house flooding and having to borrow money, but being able to get the money when you need it was a great analogy. You're glad to get the money/help you need, but you'd rather not to have needed it. I'm glad for a lot of the brighter sides of things this past year, but it would have been nice if we hadn't got sick, the divorces didn't happen, I didn't break my leg in two places and end up incapacitated for the better part of a year, if my dog hadn't had cancer and needed two surgeries in two weeks, if we hadn't experienced a death in the family, and more family drama...

I knew Uranus was in Taurus, so as Taurus, we'd been told to anticipate unpredictable things, so I was really looking for GOOD things to unpredictably and spontaneously happen, but I had my share of challenges. Now something else I recently discovered was that Saturn entered Pisces in March 2023, and bloody hell, it's going to be there until February 2026! And then it's going to -kick- kiss me again when it's in my sun sign in a few short years. It is what it is, but it's wearying.

So your discussion of Jupiter in a person's sign and Saturn's dampening effect is something REALLY relatable for me. I've been living it. But now Jupiter is in my 2nd house, another return, as Saturn continues its cycle, so we'll see what happens.

Sorry this was so long, but it seemed relevant to the discussion of Jupiter returns and timely too.


I have Jupiter in the 5th Aquarius, concerning that Pluto will be transiting my "fun house" for the next two decades..


This was very cool! 👍👍
(my Jupiter is in 8th house in Placidus & 10th house in whole sign) THANK YOU for sharing!🤗💖 ...looks like the chat was having a good time too!😄


I have the Jupiter in the 10th in Cancer at 15 degrees, in conjunction with my mc. I must admit that when it comes to career I'm very lucky with connections, and opportunities, but I need to work hard in order to keep things flowing and expanding, if I just accomodate or take things for granted, I lose everything pretty fast. I think that might be a Jupiter curse? LOL


Jupiter conjunct Saturn in the 1st!!
Pluto is conjunct my ascendant. Very weird. I could never hide in a crowd.


I have Jupiter in the 10H in placidus, 11H in whole sign. I am realising that I've been "ignoring" my Jupiter because it's in the same sign as my sun (Leo), it's like my sun take all the attention. I just apologised to It for being ungrateful 😅. Need to connect to It more because it's well placed and my most benefic planet


I have jupiter (and Saturn) in taurus in my second house. Of course it’s a bit different with my Saturn there. However, I will say that all throughout my life I’ve always been able to have enough money for the things I need via my family (Taurus/second house) even though I’ve always been living on poverty wages. With Saturn there representing my dad (ruler of 10th house) he is very strict with money and will only give money to support important things like health services or education. My mum takes on more of the jupitertarian role (who is a taurus sun) and will unconditionally give me money when I ask - which was mostly during my teens before I had my own income.

ALSO, regarding work/education, I’m currently studying social work to help people with basic needs like housing which is very Saturn lord of 10th in the second in taurus 😄


Interesting! I have Jupiter Rx conjunct Uranus Rx exact in the 5H Sagittarius, however this is also interesting that my sister and her son (my nephew) both have Jupiter in the 3H.


I've got Jupiter in Virgo, 1st House conjunct AS. I'm super wise. I share my opinion very easily. Am peachy & preachy. Self development, Know Thyself is what my channel is about. Very Adventurous, moving to Greece 🇬🇷 next year... Things go swimmingly for me. Bruce Lee says: "Be like water "💧.
