A subscriber was asked these junior interview questions

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I'm confident the senior devs were asking some of these questions because they genuinely didn't know.


Ahhh, the classic "Hey we want to hire a junior dev with junior salary to re-build the entirety of Facebook from scratch by himself" interview. Love it. :D


I was a senior front-end dev at Salesforce for nearly a decade, and I would have a really hard time with some of these interview questions lol.


React Reconciliation Algorithm:

Previously, react used a synchronous stack compiler for reconciliation, which recursively worked it's way up the dom doing diff checking every re-render. The problem is that this can clog the event queue and lead to frame dropping. Now, with React Fiber, it can use interruptible rendering by assigning priority to certain elements. This gives us access to error boundaries and concurrency.

In the case of a fiber tree, React doesn’t perform recursive traversal. Instead, it creates a singly-linked list and performs a parent-first, depth-first traversal.


I see things like this and am just grateful that I got my first developer position based on the fact that I had a good working knowledge of the internal software we use at a company I already worked for and could demonstrate that I was able to build a simple CRUD application to show that I could make a simple site that handled connecting to a database and showing/modifying data. I did another interview for a position that I ultimately ended up not accepting where the interview process was also very practically-based rather than technically based. Bottom line is that I think a lot of this stuff is fluff and the real questions should be based around how well you can solve problems and show you have enough of an understanding to make a simple working application for a Jr. Dev position.


A follow up video of "model answers" for the important/medium importance questions would be cool


12:55 "Who writes class components anymore". Lol at my last junior interview the guy loved class components so much that he didn't even know react hooks were a thing. He was convinced that class components could do things that functional components could not through inheritance.


I think a good way to approach these types of, seemingly unnecessary questions, is asking the interviewer how it relates to the position you apply for. I know it can be difficult for a junior to know what's important and not, but if you have a slight concern about how a question applies, then ask. From my own experience, interviewers will either try to explain it in a way that is unrelated to the work, or flat out tell me that I'm right and move on to the next question.

Interview processes should be about sharing knowledge, not about interrogating the interviewee. Some of these questions are fine, as long as they are outside the context of the position that you apply for, and shouldn't not determine whether or not they hire you.


I had a interview for React JS Front End Dev position. The recruiter sent me a coding challenge. I thought it was related to front-end development but its more like medium to high level of algorithm . That coding challenge may affect my application. I love coding challenges but I haven't touched anything for months since I'm focus on learning in front-end development, react native and some python web scraping. I know algorithm is important but when I'm focused on something related to my job I tend to forgot some of the unrelated things.


I got my first FE dev job 5 months ago, so I had to go through this BS myself. The thing is web development market is quite crowded so companies are trying to get the best of best by asking these ridiculous questions even for an intern level position.


This makes me feel like i will never be good enough to get a job


You’re unique bc even though you have an actual CS degree and plenty of experience, you take a very practical/bootcampy approach towards building and explaining things. I feel like the industry gets lost in trying to make SWE something ethereal when in reality we are just building things just like any other tangible-object engineer does. I guess that’s the difference between CS and SWE.


This is really interesting. I tend to focus a lot on mindset, problem solving, communication, etc. than on minutia of a library when looking for engineers.


Sounds like they want a senior level guy for junior level pay


I think I may be starting to accept the fact that I can not get a dev job at this point. Every time there is something else to know. The list feels unending.


They asked this many questions in an hour..?? I'd expect like 4 or 5 maybe. This is an exam!


I totally agree with your opinion on prototypes. I actually started hating them because I am a Freshman in College and we have to know every single thing about which is a 80 slide powerpoint.


thanks for this, now i'll spend like a day reading all about these topics and making sure i not only understand them but can articulate them properly


Ohhhh, I love interviews, especially with FANG companies. I remember having a phone interview with some a*hole from Amazon. He quite obviously had no technical expertise whatsoever, because one of his questions was, "if your server went offline, how would you bring it back online?". That's about as intelligent as asking, "if your car broke down on the highway, how would you fix it?". It's insane.


Cool. Screenshotted this list to use as a study guide.
