every step to actually make your dream game (then sell it)

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You may ask: what game engine should you choose? I break it step by step down here:

Get my Unity Source Code bundle with dozens of beginner projects and concept to help get you started!

0:00 Step 1 Mindset
2:52 Step 2 Gear
4:05 Step 3 Learning
8:01 Step 4 Planning
9:41 Step 5 Development
16:37 Step 6 Playtesting
20:34 Step 7 Marketing
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You may ask: what game engine should you choose? I break it step by step down here:


"The biggest risks you can take in your life is not taking any risks at all" is SUCH a good quote!! Great video :D


Great video.

What I learnt ultimately, a game development project (video game, boardgame, based on paper) start with pen and paper.

These steps bellow are for create a basic prototype and maybe a pre-alpha.

Step 1 : Define the game and scope and goals

1. Simple game description
2. Game experience goals
3. Inspiration (Research)
4. Pillars (Main mechanics and theme in a high level description)
5. Set a milestone, for example develop a prototype (A short gantt chart is great)

Step 2 : Design a very simple level on paper
2.1 Goals level (What is the purpose of the level)
2.2 Theme: About what is going to be your level
2.3 Elements (Like enemies, items, mechanics)
2.4 Sequence (Step by step what is going on in the level)
2.5 Layout (An ugly map of your level)

Step 3: Prototype that easy level with low level assets (Basic shapes is enough).
3.1 Greyboxing (Basic layout of your level with grey and basic shapes)
3.2 Create all the elements you'll need in your level and import them into your game engine (More basic shapes or simple assets)
3.3 Program the basic behavior of your scene

Step 4: Test it, fix the bugs and analyse it (Does it work as design ? It was fun? Did you acomplish your first goals? How to improve it)

Step 5: Iterate the process from step one, with new information, new goals, new activities, new elements with the objective of improving the game, many times as needed.

All the other element like music composition, artistic style, special effects, comes much later, once your game has a strong foundation.

Good luck guys, It is a long journey.


Yep... that first step!
My students are like: I want to make an open world, point and click, turned base battle with bosses and puzzles in one semester!
Also my students: how do I download Godot? I already know html....

Great video to clear those minds! This goes to my class plan... Thank you


2:32 man, you really just googled blue screen of death and opened it in your browser without even making it full screen love it XD


I can confirm Game Jams do really help.
I just did one and it took me from barely making a prototype of an idea, to having a finished mk1 prototype of a game I now want to continue making. It's inspiring motivation really.


I never watched an interview of an admirable game dev that says that he made a game choice because of how well it would perform in the market. The best indie games are original, usually well polished and fun to play. If you aim only for the success, you'll only reach the base of the mountain(that's full of garbage).

The greatness of indie games is that the devs put something that only them could do.

Enjoy the ride, the end of road is an illusion.


Real talk. That first part of the video about pushing forward was so inspiring. I've been working on my first game for almost 3 years now, and you have reassured me that it will get done. Will finish the rest of the video now. Thanks!


I'm doing a multiplayer game, almost 2 years of godot experience and gamedev in general. Publishing my first game soon, its mostly how much you want it to happen, not because of money or success/fame, if its a passion project you'll get it done and it'll be worth it, you just have to keep in mind that improovement is always possible, you don't have to keep a under-developed game this way forever and become sad about it.


When you start learning music yourself, the best thing to do (at least what I'm doing) is to search for tutorials and learn new songs to play. You'll learn to improvise as you're learning new songs and chords in them. And I believe it's the same thing with Game Development.


Awesome video, this is a good refresher tbh. I studied BsCs Game Development for 4 years, and the greatest lesson I've learned is to not give up. You will doubt, and you will get tired, but whatever happens, you will grow and be stronger than you were before. What am I making? An RPG and a Racing game...oh boy😰


One of the best methods is too start using easy engines as pratice, like scratch, castle and maybe Roblox


I watched this for entertainment I suppose as I'm pretty well versed in game development, but I wish I watched this as a beginner because it is so dang comprehensive! This is a 10/10 video and I wish you developers good luck, listen to the advice in this video, can't wait to see your games :)


Wonderful video -- I'd love to reference it in the future. It would be helpful to have a descriptive chapter names. Thanks again for making great content!


Great video. I really appreciate that you cover the steps needed in a comprehensive and realistic way while still being encouraging and presenting the process as achievable, which it is. I especially like that you don't downplay the importance of learning to program, and that you mentioned optimization and getting early feedback. Starting small is also good advice - if you're a new developer on your own, you'll learn far more by working on a small game, or even just a single system or feature, than by starting a years-long project where it will be much harder to learn and change methods as you go

Keep up the great content!


this came in a perfect moment for me.
I'm currently trying to make a game and got burned out while making art for it, and I got mad at myself for taking a 1 week break.
I now understand it's normal and healthy to do so, and now I'll get back to it with brand new advice !


Video ideas for you

"I made a game in scratch"
"I made a game in 1 hour, 10 hours, 1 day, and 1 week"
"I made the same game in 5 engines
'I made the same game in different languages"
'I made a game only using 1 sprite"


Firstly, avoid social medias, I'm halfway done of releasing my first steam game, it's not good, and I know it, it does not compare.... with guys that had years of professional experience and had gone solo. My game is mine, a creation of love and that's all that matter, it may not sell, I may not recover expenses, but it's my child


I truly hate The "How I X with no experience" titeling. No-one has experience when they start and even in these most often people are software engineers or know another engine but have "no experience" in another.


This is really helpful. Thanks for making this video. I have wishlisted your game as well. Also good choice of sponsor.
