10 Title Update 5 Secrets You Didn't Know About - Tips Tricks & More - Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak!

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There's lots more to Title Update 5 than just the new monsters! Enjoy!

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak is here with incredible Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak gameplay so lets talk Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak new trailer with Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak new monster and Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak new map the Citadel and Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak title update 5 Amatsu New Map Sunbreak patch update balance Sunbreak Anomaly quests afflicted monsters Special Investigations Sunbreak new afflicted quests Sunbreak Amatsu gameplay new Sunbreak Title Update new armor skills Sunbreak Title Update 5 new decorations decos decoration Qurious Crafting Title Update 5 Qurious Melding Cyclus Qurious Melding Vigor guide Special Investigation A9 A*9 quests unlock all!

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Bring follower utsushi and apex zinogre will spawn still! The apex is much stronger than Valstrax, so bringing utsushi when solo farming is definitely worth it.


Fun fact: bringing Utushi back via the follower system will cause the apex zinogre to reappear in the amatsu fight. :D


Fun Fact: The *"Continue Your Research & Increase Your MR"* tag disappears when you reach MR 999. I would know. I did it.


For the Anomally Level Grind, we just got a FREE 400% bonus to quests. I read it is 400% until level 200 and then 300% until 220. IT IS NUTS, i am getting 3~4 levels per hunt.
This is amazing cuz before updade i was really burned out trying to farm AR levels (seething baZel over and over) but now with the 400%, i am going for different monsters instead "min-max" the level up.


The carving sound effect in the Amatsu quest is also the old style sound effect 👍
Plus if you take Utsushi as a follower in this quest he will bring back Apex Ziny


Sad they haven't added the OG sounds permanently, didn't realize how fun they were after not hearing them for a while.


The most fun I currently have with TU5 is my new Lance set. The new Rampage Decorations makes Turteling Monsters to death actually possible. And to be honest the damage I do with that set isn't to bad either.


So fun fact, if you bring Utsushi as a Follower to Amatsu’s rerun quest he does actually call in the Apex Zinogre


Before they stop updating this game, I hope they add an og sfx pack (for free idealy) as well as a music pack for the villages from 4 ultimate. I love the village music for all of them, and there were 7 in total, counting the gathering hubs. That would be a great pack for the last update, just add free stuff that will make people feel nostalgic.


Are you sure the hammer rampage deko sucks? I did some testing myself and got that charge up gives an increase anywhere between 28.57% to 38.46% which is pretty respectable if you ask me. Working follows.

The first results were achieved on the dummy using only the last hit on the fully charged attack of the yellow hammer state:

no slugger no charge up = 5 hits
no slugger charge up = 4 hits
any slugger no charge up = 4 hits
any slugger charge up = 3 hits

So if we say that the dummy has a stun threshold of k, slugger multiplies by 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 respectively, charge up multiplies by c and our base stun value is b, then we get:

5(b) >= k > 4(b)
4(cb) >= k > 3(cb)
without slugger and
4(1.2b) >= k > 3(1.2b)
4(1.3b) >= k > 3(1.3b)
4(1.4b) >= k > 3(1.4b)
3(1.2cb) >= k > 2(1.2cb)
3(1.3cb) >= k > 2(1.3cb)
3(1.4cb) >= k > 2(1.4cb)
with slugger

4.8b >= k > 4.2b
3.6cb >= k > 3cb
when reduced to its simplest form

For our c this means
3.6c > 4.2 and 4.8 > 3c or 1.17 < c < 1.6.

I then repeated all this but hitting the entire attack rather than only its last hit:

no slugger no charge up = 4 hits
no slugger charge up = 3 hits
any slugger no charge up = 3 hits
1 slugger charge up = 3 hits
2 slugger charge up = 2.5 hits
3 slugger charge up = 2 hits

4(b) >= k > 3(b)
3(cb) >= k > 2(cb)
without slugger and
3(1.2b) >= k > 2(1.2b)
3(1.3b) >= k > 2(1.3b)
3(1.4b) >= k > 2(1.4b)
3(1.2cb) >= k > 2(1.2cb)
2.5(1.3cb) >= k > 2(1.3cb)
2(1.4cb) >= k > 1(1.4cb)
with slugger

3.6b >= k > 3b
2.8cb >= k > 2.6cb
when reduced to its simplest form

For our c this means
2.8c > 3 and 3.6 > 2.6c or 1.07 < c < 1.38 which, combined with the previous result, gives 1.17 < c < 1.38.

And then again with the very first charge of the yellow state:

no slugger no charge up = 8 hits
no slugger charge up = 6 hits
1 slugger no charge up = 7 hits
2-3 slugger no charge up = 6 hits
1-2 slugger charge up = 5 hits
3 slugger charge up = 4 hits

8(b) >= k > 7(b)
6(cb) >= k > 5(cb)
without slugger and
7(1.2b) >= k > 6(1.2b)
6(1.3b) >= k > 5(1.3b)
6(1.4b) >= k > 5(1.4b)
5(1.2cb) >= k > 4(1.2cb)
5(1.3cb) >= k > 4(1.3cb)
4(1.4cb) >= k > 3(1.4cb)
with slugger

7.8b >= k > 7.2b
5.6cb >= k > 5.2cb
when reduced to its simplest form

For our c this means
5.6c > 7.2 and 7.8 > 5.2c or 1.29 < c < 1.5, combined with the previous results giving 1.29 < c < 1.38.

I did this for all charge attacks, but ended up listing only those relevant for the final results.


So, I actually love the Utushi Zinogre thing. So in Portable 3rd's intro you see a Zinogre roaring AT Amatsu.


The new lance deco allows you to play more defensively.

I usually set the red scroll as a more aggressive lance with instablock and sky thrust. While the blue scroll as a more defensive lance with regular block and anchor rage.


When you remember how Amatsu was the reason Zinogres were displaced from their home and when you actually see that Namiele, despite its coolness, has nothing power level wise against Amatsu.


I dunno is anyone noticed when you pick up the little turtle, the old collectable sound for when you pick up an item is back. I noticed during the Amatsu Quest and I actually squeeked with joy. 😂


one thing that bothered me was that lucent narga and violet mizu couldn't appear on investigations giving them almost no reason to hunt but now that the arena maps are in investigations does anyone know if they can actually appear as secondary monsters now? i cant seem to find any answers.


I will miss the harvest moon knock back it has saved me from so many stuns, sleeps and paralysis.


the meat cooking thing made me tear up a bit, so nostalgic


6:17 if they add these sounds and the ones you hear from gathering I am ok with paying for them, I just love them and hope we can get them.


So the special investigations are kinda like the EX Deviants, no new moves but with several buffed attacks to which several of them were full one-shots. A kinda cool challenge if you're willing to grind all the way to 300 I guess? Something that can keep me distracted till TotK comes out.


I like the new Kinsect damage deco, but I really wish they would've fixed the biggest issue with Vortex Glaive in MP: your allies exploding your dusts.

It's not even that hard of a fix: create a Horn Maestro-style level 1 deco that makes your dusts immune to ally hits. this way if you don't mind your allies blowing them up, it's not a change forced onto you and if you want your dusts immune from being accidentally exploded by an ally's stray attack as you stack them until their damage cap, thus nerfing your vortex's damage, toss this on a one-slot and you're good to go.

Vortex is a fun style to play, but sucks in the endgame multiplayer.
