What if you didn't order Sweet Madame for Paimon

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Nope we can't bully our precious Paimon in this one.

Windblume Festival 3.5

#paimon #paimonemergencyfood #genshinimpact #lumine #windblumefestival
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idk why but for the first time ever seeing a joyful paimon makes me joyful too. It's like when i treat my younger brother to something and he's just as happy as paimon


The new archon quest made me realize I would never want to leave Paimon. She's just too precious, I'd feed her with all my 800+ sweet madame that I have.


Paimon: "Paimon wants a sweet madam!"
Traveler: "We have sweet madam at home."
The 3, 647 sweet madams at home: "Are we a joke to you?"
Paimon: "Those don't count... but it wouldn't hurt to have just oooone more."


When Genshin first started, I hated Paimon because she was too talkative and naggy. But when Mihoyo removed her in Caribert I realized how silent my world was, like something important was missing. When I got her back, I was happy. Then this event came and seeing her this happy made my day. When I slap some sense into my abyss twin and travel to other worlds, I'm gonna take my naggy emergency food along.


I can't believe they tricked us with the teasing option, it has a much happier reaction. I chose second one instantly, because I wanted to give Paimon a treat and I don't hate her in the slightest ❤


But the reaction of Paimon at the second part was more emotional. (⁠^⁠∇⁠^⁠)⁠ノ⁠♪


Another star-sparkled eyed moment for paimon.


She's like a little sister to me. Like, she's annoying and sometimes unaware of the situation, she gets on my nerves. But then, she also cares for you, loves food, stayed by our side since the beginning (except for the recent archon quest, of course) and will do anything to cheer us up. I guess I can say I missed her annoying presence next to me. Just like a typical sibling, someone you hate the most but also love the most as well.


Hoyo really said “rejection was never an option”


Traveler: Yes, I can finally leave Teyvat and go wander worlds again.
Paimon: Oh no pls don't abandon Paimon
Players: 😭😭


so the second option is just more wholesome than the first one


0:14 paimon becomes khaeri'ahian for few seconds


I chose the "That'll be all" option cuz I knew hoyo would NEVER put an option that makes Paimon sad so I decided to see what would happen if I chose that, and honestly seeing Paimon so happy made my heart melt, I love Paimon so much that I could spend all my mora on buying her food♡


The fact that she resigns herself to your decision without throwing a fit like she usually does.... Oh, my heart.

I couldn't say no to those precious puppy eyes. This was basically the Mcdonalds meme, as a kid, mother was the "we have food at home" (she occasionally cave), so I knew the disappointment


Paimon is like that annoying little sister that you like to tease alot but you still love her😂


The first time I truly appreciated paimon was at the end of the we will be reunited quest. Idk if its bcoz I too have a sibling I've always been with ever since I can remember, but i really felt the travellers emotions when the twin left, it hit me hard nd I just know I wouldn't want to be alone at that moment. So when I saw paimon encouraging the traveller to prove them wrong and to keep moving ahead, I got really emotional. For the first time I genuinely meant clicking the dialogue option where traveller said thank you. The new archon quest nd the event is almost scaring me with how attached I'm getting to paimon. Nd with the way she keeps saying how we will travel together forever nd to never leave her behind, , , it feels almost unsettling.


Honestly, it makes me quite happy we don't even have the opportunity to disappoint our lovely companion in this scene. I mean, come one ... She just wants a simple meal, why don't give it to her? She definately deserves it.


When i first started genshin, i didnt get at all why people hated or found Paimon annoying. I rather found her cute and funny. When this event quest had this cutscene, i immediately pressed the second option. Shes just too cute!

Just think about it, Paimon helped us throughtout our whole journey and acompanied us.


I love how they literally had Paimon's eyes light up


If we ever have to abandon Paimon for our sibling I would be so mad, I can’t just leave Paimon to be trashed. Paimon is truly underrated.

Also when the ✨✨ are in her eyes, thats the cutest thing I’ve ever seen-
