Using SAS Studio for obtaining Summary Stats, Running Normality Tests, and Plotting Histograms w/SAS

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SAS Studio has many automated features for quickly obtaining summary statistics, which are demonstrated in this video. Some users may prefer manually running SAS commands like 'proc univariate' for obtaining a more robust set of summary output for continuous variables (or continuous variables by class variables). In this video we cover how to obtain summary stats for an uploaded and imported dataset. We also show how to use the command-driven, SAS programming feature, to obtain normality test results (Shapiro-Wilk, Anderson-Darling, Kolmogrov-Smirnov, etc.) Data visualization is also done by presenting histograms and qqnorm plots via SAS programming.
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You are a great instructor. Your instructions are clear snd easy to follow. Thank you


thanks mate! big shoout out from Brazil... obrigado
