The Toltec Woman Warrior Part 2 - The Nagual Zone| Carlos Castaneda| Don Juan Matus

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“Death is your truest friend, and your most reliable adviser. If you have doubts about the course of your life, you have only to consult your death for the proper direction. Death will never lie to you.”
— Florinda Donner

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#CarlosCastaneda #DonJuan #Nagualism #Anaam #TheNagualZone
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Dear Anaam, as a 70 year old woman, just discovering the Toltec path, I found part 1 and part 2 to be very informative. I have been working with a Curandero for just a few months who espouses some of this, reading Carlos Castenada. I have competed with men my entire life and now understand why I am mostly alone. I hope to keep working and learning and appreciate your videos to help me understand.


No. I don't talk about man. Guess: i think and feel they are not that importent.


I sleep with Living Beeings. Because Life is important! I always ask myself why humanos love all that Dead fluffi Bunnys.. Etc.


Regardings weight, actually everybody should be slimmer by growing older. But we see the contrary around us. The generation of my grandparents was mostly slim, the generation of my parents fat and my generation varies but more fat then slim. I lost a lot of weight by introducing hard psyhicall work on daily basis and my body is very young now. The mind is much older, I think 😅, more and more empty not due to enlighment but due to lack of inspiration.


Thanks Anaam
Yes there were things that triggered me in this video. And I welcome it so I can work on my personal power.
Thanks for some clues on areas of my myself I can reflect on and improve.
I see that yes some of that programming is happening within me.
I do desire to have more personal and internal power. Though I am realistic that I am not a suitable candidate at this point to consider myself in league with your apprentices. I just want to be the best me I can and I’m not afraid to take good hard looks at myself and my attitudes and behaviours.
Once again I find your teaching very helpful with your no nonsense approach.
Have an high energy day xo
Suz 🌸💛


Good morning ! I am from
India .. from Kerala. Our culture is hardest to release when my community settles across the world. A lot of good stuff and not so good too. Patriarchy is one thing that got locked in. I do feel my current space where I am a warrior is to question and speak up . Which was not a part of the domesticated training .
- girls - I totally agree. In my personal case I was treated like a women when I was young, so my wild side introduced in the “girl” crowd. Like you said, it the exiled part of psyche to be reclaimed and not embodied for good. And I
agree .. what you are called, calls forth the energy from within and clarified intention
- fatter as you grow older -
Something I was thinking .. is a natural part of collective consciousness. And getting out of that consciousness automatically changes diet, physicality and emotional baggage
- mother -
A huge subject . Those voices/perspectives are imprinted in the unconscious. And spread through the fabric of family setups. Though, the ability to survive .. with an individuate perspective with safety within allows one to question them and create an “open dialogue” between the average (hu)man and “ (hu)man challenging mediocrity “

I listen to strengthen the core voice and your videos resonate that clarity . Thank you


Defending fattness. Loved that one but it is true when personal power is widdled away thats one of the symptoms


Hey cuzzie, first time I watch one of your vids, some great wisdom thank you🙏 you're aging well 😁


Maybe I fit into what u describe as a toltec warrior? Have lived alone for years, I have the courage and resilience of a spartan, self-employed, take great care of myself.
The only thing bothering me is a little extra weight. I tried muay thai and loved it. Do you recommend it?Getting a lean and stronger body is essential to me.
Just moved to a beautiful island city in Brazil to be closer to nature. I am fiercely independent and try to remain feminine. I truly appreciate men - their company, their sense of humor, their strength. Feel a strong pull toward toltec teachings. Have used my assemblage point to help create the life I want. It's like I have some kind of built-in knowledge I'm starting to recover.
I've always had a different view of life and reality. Don't really fit into 'normal'. Go ahead, tell me I have no idea what a true warrior is, 😂.


How to defind ourselves when the Ego is reduced?


this video made me laugh. yes! reactionary syndrome...blaming others for making one "unhappy." live in a state of awareness. be active and creative. following the path of another is a waste and a disgrace. find the treasure of the fearless exploration of one's own abilities.


Dear Anaam,
Thank you again for your videos and sharing what you have learned. If we are seeking a benefactor for high quality training, what questions should we ask this person to determine if the teacher is a good fit for us? Alot of gurus and leaky energy out there, and I feel a little ignorant just googling potential teachers. Thank you as always!


I quitt with my partner. I don't like fat man. He stoped Smoking because I told him i don't want to be with a Smoker. Than he got fat! O my Goddess. I even don't want to see all that fat humans. I started to look to beautiful Nature' Flowers, Birds...and myself.


You are such a wise being with intellectual humour!!!!

Those points are so on point🙌

you say that one can be trained in a specific environment. What do you mean by the phrase specific environment? 😊
