John MacArthur || Mark of the Beast

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In this video, I examine the controversy surrounding John MacArthur and the response he gave at a Q and A session when he was asked if someone could take the Mark of the Beast and still be saved. John MacArthur Sermon // John MacArthur Revelation 14
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Rev 14:11 makes it absolutely clear, take the mark and there’s no salvation for you. Period


You can not take the Mark of the Beast and still be saved.


That’s crazy. Once you take the mark you’re doomed. Let the Word of God be true and Everyman a liar.


Remember jesus- " Take heed that no MAN deceive you..."


Rev's very clear...if any one worships the beast and image and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand HE HIMSELF SHALL ALSO DRINK OF THE WINE OF THE WRATH OF MUCH MORE CLEARER IS IT?


whether or not that your statements are true, it is definite that those who will be marked by "666" will go to hell. It is written. Their fate is sealed. and no one can add or subtract to that which is written..


Rev 14:9 And a third messenger followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark upon his forehead or upon his hand,
Rev 14:10 he also shall drink of the wine of the wrath of Elohim, which is poured out undiluted into the cup of His wrath. And he shall be tortured with fire and sulphur before the set-apart messengers and before the Lamb.
Rev 14:11 “And the smoke of their torture goes up forever and ever. And they have no rest day or night, those worshipping the beast and his image, also if anyone receives the mark of his name.”

John McArthur also denies the power of the blood, which purchased our pardon and cleanses us. If a pastor or teacher tells someone they will not go to hell for taking the mark when scripture gives us a warning and is very clear that they will, then they are a false teacher. It really doesn't matter what John MCArthur of Polite Leader thinks about the topic. It matters what the Father and his book say.


I will never take the mark of the beast!Im sold out for #Christ!


I still think though, that those who get the mark of the beast will go to hell


So, reformed churches say that if you are "marked" or '"sealed" by God, you are sealed for eternity. Yet taking the opposite or "mark/seal" of the beast is somehow different and can be removed?


I believe if you are a Christian and know the word of God and still take the mark of the beast than yes you will be condemned to hell no if or buts about it. You sealed te deal by accepting it and gave into fear of man and not faith in Christ.


If you have trouble believing the consequences for taking the mark of the beast, you are definitely going to have trouble believing the two prophets and their exploits over 1260 days (Revelation 11). Believe the scriptures for what they say and ask Jesus Christ to open his word unto you, like he did for his disciples in Luke 24: 32 & 45.


I lean toward the side of better safe than sorry and will forgo any chip implant or tattoo. The video will surely make one thin critically about this subject.


I am still not taking a microchip to the right hand or forehead thx


Rev. 14:9-11 is pretty clear of what happens when a person takes the mark of the beast (whatever that ends up being) it's also clear that it's tied to worship of the beast or allegiance to the beast. Either way, it's not a position I would want to find myself in or anyone else for that matter. It seems pretty literal to me not symbolic at all because it's very detailed what the consequences are. It definitely can't be talking about 1st-century people because this takes place during the end times, during the pouring out of God's wrath, which has not happened yet.


The only real question is.
"Is it really worth the chance?"


Why on earth would the mark of the beast in revelation be about Ancient Rome? The rest of the book of revelation is what is yet to come.


Just remember that by taking the Mark you are denying God as your helper and blesser and acknowledging the Beast as both your god and as your god your blesser you are formally declaring for the world and satan. You are declaring yourself worthy of the wrath of God and therefore plague worthy. No one will be able to say well Lord i had children to feed! Because He the Lord feeds your children! Trial and tribulation will happen on the earth but while i am stuck here as for me and my house we will worship the Lord our God. Beware of the Mark. Do not choose to get it under pain of death itself death is easy the Mark is hard. Death will happen for a split second the torture following the Mark will never end. All i know is that taking the Mark is declaring for Satan this i will not do not verbally or otherwise. Remember to live is Christ and to die is GAIN! Love you brother! We should be careful on this one! May God bless you exceedingly abundantly beyond all you see or imagine. Prepare brothers and sisters do not be caught off guard for when we choose Messiah Jesus yes one day we may need to die for Him as He did for us! To die for Him is wonderful indeed! If you find yourself about to die for Jesus you are greatly honored indeed. Everyone must die but many will die for nothing and gain hell only those beautiful chosen children can die for Jesus Christ/Yeshua Messiah! Praise Adonai Elohim ( Lord God) Praise Yeshua Messiah/Jesus Christ! I love you brothers and sisters! Keep looking UP!


Wow a lot to unpack there. The mark is never hinted at not being literal
The mark is IN someones left hand or IN someones forehead... The mark is also a literal MARKER so that someone can BUY or SELL with it, without this mark you cannot buy. If I wrote down in a book, the man can not buy or sell unless he has the card, and lets say in the past there was a metaphorical "card" of the lamb...That would not invalidate the fact that I am talking about a CREDIT CARD. The mark is clearly going to hold monetary value, and be placed LITERALLy inside you, Today that is a reality, Companies are working towards a one world currency that will be in an RFID computer chip, placed literally in your hand and or forehead, this is the book of prophecy not the book of the old testament. Just because a word in the bible was once used as a metaphor does not mean it is not literal when the same word is re used. I am fully convinced the mark is literal and there is no evidence to the contrary, There was before a literal mark of blood on the door for death to pass by those who had the blood of the lamb on there doors, This is prophecy. And if your post millianal you believe that christ will not literally be reigning 1000 years...What. How. Where. There is no evidence in the bible to sugest he will not LITERALLY be reigning along side us in the new Jerusalem, there will even be people outside the gates left over and unsaved, when satan is released after the 1000 years, christ will send fire down and destroy them once and for all, then it's over, but to say christ will not be literally on earth...In the new kingdom which says God will be there .. Um.. We get new bibles or something!


MacArthur has held to this false doctrine since he taught it in September 1980 during that Q and A. Friend, you will be thrown into the lake of fire if you take the mark. Revelation 14:9-11, 16:2 and 19:20 are clear. Chapters 16 and 19 are future events. The wrath of God has not yet been poured out on earth (16:1) and the kings of the earth with their armies have not yet gathered to make war with the King of kings and Lord of Lords (19:19).
