Heart Touching Story Of Khadijah (RA) | Must Watch | Omar Suleiman

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Heart Touching Story Of Khadijah (RA) | Must Watch | Omar Suleiman

Join Dr. Omar Suleiman as he takes us through the incredible life of Khadijah (RA), the first believer and the beloved wife of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). Discover the virtues and sacrifices of this extraordinary woman who was the first in so many ways. 🌹✨

In this detailed talk, Dr. Omar Suleiman covers:

✨Khadijah's unparalleled support for the Prophet (ﷺ) 🛡️
✨Her virtues and the reasons she is so beloved in Islam 🌟
✨The immense love and respect the Prophet (ﷺ) had for her ❤️
✨The hardships she endured for the sake of Islam 🌿

This lecture is a tribute to her legacy and an inspiration for us all. Don't miss out on this beautiful journey through her life. Watch the full video to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of Khadijah (RA) and her monumental role in Islamic history. 🌸📜

*Speaker: Dr. Omar Suleiman

May Allah allow us to see the bigger picture and work for our hereafter which is ever-lasting, Aamin
Sending lots of love and dua your way

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Brother Omar apologizing for the story being so long, wallahi I could have sat and listened all day, and still I wouldn’t have gotten my fill. May Allah SW bless him iA


Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah 🕋🕌☪️💚☪️☪️ Allahuakhbar Allahuakhbar from Malaysia 🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾


Thank you very much sir, May Allah accept everything from you . May Allah help you ...


Asalam alekum I love your class more and more may Allah grant you every thing you want


Allahuma bariq❤…May Allah continue sly increases your knowledge as how you give us the knowledge you have …May Allah bless you and your family Allahuma Ameen❤


May Allah bless you for sharing your knowledge with us and may Allah forgive all of us and please don’t apologise for taking time.


Mashallah .. No words what a information my love to Allah the all mighty, our ummah, my Islam, my prophet, mother's of Islam, mother's khadija peace be upon her, Thank and Jazakallah for Channel the speaker you have earned a reward for lifetime 💙


Masha Allah. And still the West refuses to acknowledge how kuch women are revered in Islam because they only select negative stereotypes and falsehood about our Deen. Education is so powerful and Islam advocates for this.


Masha-Allah.... Khadija (RA) always was aware of The prophethood to come to Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)... Like Abu Talib and all the scholars of that era... But Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was never directly told about.... That's why she already knew how to facilitate and strengthen.... Rather we can assume that she was waiting ❤❤❤❤❤


Ma shaa Allah may Allah give me "Ilm" to be a wife as Khadija r.a🤲


She is the mother of the believers.
Mother, mother, mother.
None other,


Allahu akbar. This made me almost cry😭❤️


Khadija a, s was the first woman, who Muhammad SAW married. She was a legend. The QUEEN, the first woman who received revelation the Deen of Islam . She was a rich woman and give charities. Soup kitchen, where she give them soup . And infront of her house, she had a green tent infront of her house, as now as a soup kitchen . Muhammad SAW was 25 years old, when he married Khadija, she was 40 years old . Khadija a.s was born 15 years before profit hood . She didn't worship idols, although her father worship idols . Khadija means premature. Khadija a, s past away when she was 55 years old . She was a widow twice . And the riches women. Muhammad SAW was working for her, with her caravans. When Muhammad SAW came back . The profit was bringing double . Muhammad SAW was shepherd. Then Khadija married Muhammad SAW to look after her business. Khadija and Muhammad SAW was facing povity. Then the boycott brakes. KHADIJA a.s passing away hunger .. she was eating grass . ❤


It's àmàze me that you can nàrràte the stòry without shèddìng teàrs.


Was Hazrat Khadijah a widow before she married Hazrat Muhammad Saww?


Is there music in the back ground? It is kinda irritating because the lecture is outstanding!!


Allahumma Ameeen
Ameeen ya rabbul Alameem


28:57 It’s Abbas RA who took Ja’far RA to his household not Hamza RA


The previous two marriages of Khadijah are not mentioned in any authentic hadith, they’re zaif ahadith and something not to be relied on, which means she was most certainly unmarried before the prophet other wise her marriages would’ve been mentioned in sahih ahadith


Btw, i can't seèms to see àny of thè wìvès (ra) of Rasulullah (saw) as a mòther, i dòn't know why.

At bèst i can only seè them as the rèspèctfùl wìvès of someone i àdmìre and fòllòw.

A sìstèrs in islam as yoù mày sày.

But dèffìnìtèly no as à mother. And i'm a màn btw.

Is there something wròng with me? Am i cònsìderèd a kàfir?
