Parkinson's TOTALLY Arrested: New Research Transforms our Approach to this Devastating Condition

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Currently, there is no pharmaceutical treatment available for Parkinson’s disease, now affecting close to 1 million Americans. To be sure, there are medications to treat the symptoms, like tremor and rigidity, but that’s treating the smoke not the fire. New research, using a drug similar to Ozempic, is about to transform our approach to this devastating condition and what you’re about to see is truly revolutionary.


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Thank you for sharing this research. The right food can make a huge difference. We are living longer than ever and dietary adjustments are one of the ways to do so in good health. Let food be thy medicine.


But is it really about diabetes? Theories now are favoring that Parkinson's starts in the gut and travels up the vagus nerve to the brain. So shouldn't the main conversation be about how to cure a leaky gut? And as far as protection of the glial cells goes, why isn't the conversation focused on increasing the supply of plasmalogens which protect the myelin sheaths around them?


I would be particularly interested in any application to MS. Much of this appears parallel but I don't want to jump to conclusions.


Drugs are funny. People and doctors should be educated that Natural GLP1 stimulation comes from eating protein and healthy fats. Not expensive drugs with life long side effects.


ThankU 4 making it short & sweet to learn 😊


If you had early Parkinson's, what is the top things you would do? My researching gets so confusing. The docs just want to add medication. When I ask "Why?", they say so WHEN I DO need it, they will know what works for me!! What kind of logic is that? I replied, "Well, when I do have symptoms, we will find out for sure!"
Thanks Dr. Perlmutter and group for this update.


Where Do Methylation issues fit in, where Most People won’t know they have HIGH homocysteine and LOW Folate/ Vit B12.etc other B and C and D3 vitamin levels and low Mineral absorption issues!


My husband has ataxia with PD like symptoms, ie the shaking right arm . He now struggles with swallowing, and saliva, IS there something available to help him swallow, he is distressed because the saliva tried to drown him . I plead for help .Thankyou, if you care to help . ❤


Their score didn't get worse but over half were nauseous and puking... yippee!


That was interesting thank you. I know Parkinson's is a neurodegenerative condition but like the vast majority of chronic diseases as I understand it..the problem starts with gut inflammation and eventually leaky gut (which can then cause brain issues too) through eating the wrong foods (junk food UPFs, sugar, grains, seed oils, etc). Also inflammation can be caused by stress....through trauma and getting stuck in flight or flight mode. Hypnotherapy or EFT for instance can help with this aspect. I have learned a lot on my own healing journey through having both types of inflammation and associated problems. I think for most people a keto or low carb paleo diet is best. Intermittent fasting is also good when obesity is involved. I don't know about medication but I would think where possible, functional medicine is superior.


What kind of diet would you suggest to be most effective in a type 1 diabetic with cervical dystonia?


Lixisenatide adverse events: nausea, vomiting, reflux.


You got me! Primarily click bait. Parkinson’s not “TOTALLY Arrested.” Bottom line — the title is misleading & does not accurately reflect the content.


I reckon that when you have the Michael J Fox foundation blessing, then you should be ok to use your head line. Until then it's just dust in the wind.
It's unnecessary to wind up people really hoping your head line has some substance.


My dad spent his entire working life with molten metal fumes in an aluminum plant. His Parkinson’s symptoms began shortly after being treated for severe anxiety. The only symptom he has is the tremor, but it’s relentless. Now the doctors are pushing for DBS. I inquired about exploring potential alternative therapies such as iv glutathione and they said it was not credible and the only option was drugs or surgery.


Just eat healthy then you don't need these drugs.


superyogic and supernatural healing, sure held to Parkinson's disease.


Estos videos no ayudan sino que a las personas con diabetes tipo 1, como mi caso y el de algunos colegas norteamericanos, es casi condenatoria. No dan soluciones, tan solo cambiar cosas pero con la condena enunciada. A mí me da pánico, por muchas razones.


What a disappointing video. You started by pointing out that Parkinson's is a metabolic disease, but then talked about drugs instead of diet as a solution. Are you aware that diabetes can be put into remission by a ketogenic diet? Are you aware that ketogenic diets relieve the symptoms and slow the progression of Parkinson's? If high blood sugar is the cause, why not point out to the listener that diet can eliminate that cause?!?


You are what you eat. Your diet impacts your health.
Lower stress, reduce obesity, get enough sleep and more exercise are key to a healthy life.
Obesity in children and adults is rising across the world.
Fast food and sugary drinks including fruit juices are contributing to the problem of poor health and obesity.
Eat a healthy plant based diet and exercise regularly.
Reduce or ELIMINATE cows milk, eggs, cheese and meat. Eat more salad greens, beans, fruit and vegetables. Eliminate fast food, snacks like cookies, cakes, chips, and sugary drinks and juices.
Every adult and child should own a bicycle and ride it regularly.
Regular exercise will help you sleep better. Yoga is a great stress reducer.
Obesity is all too common today. Get off the couch. Get off the phone, ipad or video game.
A variety of stretching and other exercises help with increased mobility.
Ride to work, ride to school, ride for fun.
Every city should be a bicycle city.
Speak up for bicycles in your community
