Israel, Hamas, and End Times | Ezekiel 38 | Gary Hamrick

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In light of the war between Israel and Hamas, Pastor Gary Hamrick presents a Biblical perspective of the events. Who/What is Hamas? Why are they so intent on destroying Israel? Who are the Palestinians and why do many of them think of the Jews as “occupiers” and “colonialists”? And do these current events point to any particular Bible prophecy about the End Times? Pastor Gary answers these questions and more in today’s teaching entitled, “Israel, Hamas, and End Times.”

00:00 - Israel, Hamas, and End Times
02:14 - Hadar & Itai Berdichevsky and their twin babies
05:08 - 5 Questions to answer about Hamas
06:56 - 1) Who/What is Hamas?
08:05 - The Hamas Covenant
11:30 - Hamas’ history timeline
15:42 - 2) Why is Hamas so intent on destroying Israel and the Jewish people?
21:32 - 3) What is the history of the Palestinians and the land of Israel?
27:28 - Map of Middle East Region
27:38 - God’s intended allotment of the land of Israel
28:14 - The size of Israel under King Davids rule
29:33 - The Balfour Declaration allotment of Israel
29:48 - Winston Churchill’s allotment of Israel
32:00 - 4) Why are so many American youth and young adults supporting the Palestinian cause today?
37:32 - 5) How might any of this fit into Bible prophecy about the End Times?




#Cornerstonechapel #GaryHamrick #CalvaryChapel
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I am a Jewish woman and appreciated your speech. Your knowledge of history, your articulation, your love for my people and Israel and your passion about the truth regarding Hamas and their bloodthirsty objective to kill the Jews and drive Israel into the sea are helping me to heal from the heartbreak of October 7th. Hearing you has helped me to deal with the overwhelming anger and feelings of helplessness. A Christian friend sent this to me and I am grateful. Thank you for enlightening your congregation and hopefully many more, especially the young people who need to hear your message. Am Yisrael Chai.


Im.a messianic Jew and you are blessed
Thank you for explaining the truth!!
May the Messiah continue to use you!!


I am Palestinian and just watched this. Believe it or not I admire many things about the Jewish state. I am tired of this conflict, I want to live with people from all background and just enough of all of this nonsense of racism religious hatred segregations

I pray for peace in our home land. I pray for happiness and peace amen amen


I'm a Liberian, and a Christian, I stand and give my life with commitment in support of Israel in every direction. May Almighty God continue to guard and protect Israel and bring peace in Christ Jesus Mighty name.


Pastor Gary-I’m embarrassed to say that our pastor did not mention anything about Israel these past two Sundays. Thank you so much for always keeping us up to date about what is going on over there. In this home we will stand with Israel! and we will continue to look to you for updates and news about Israel. ❤


Thank you for not staying silent on the times we live in. Pastors need to be bold & teach truth not stay silent.


I am a Malawian, and I write from Malawi. What I know is that God doesn't make mistakes He knows everything happening in the world so let's pray for God's Children in Israel and Gaza. May God have mercy on them.


I'm from South Sudan 🇸🇸 but the way this man of God is teaching here is so amazing to rebil this important message about Hamas and end times ❤


So many more churches need to be teaching this. Thank you.


as a jewish person surrounded by those cursing us, this gave me hope. thank you ❤


I am Jewish and from the bottom of my heart I want to say: Pastor Gary Hamrick G-d bless your soul


M a Christian from Nagaland, India. I pray to Almighty Lord JESUS CHRIST for the protection of jews


I am a born again Jew. Thank you for your teaching today. It opened my eyes to things I hadn’t known about my peoples history. God Bless you.


This Man is one of the best Preachers I've ever heard! All Biblical as well! God richly bless you Pastor Hamrick!


Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess, all nations will serve God


I am living in Jerusalem, Israel and have been for a year as a returning citizen. Thank you Pastor of your excellent explanation of the situation here and dispelling the lies spread and aimed at us as if we are the Guilty, Shameful ones. We are still in mourning over our losses in all directions.
It is tremendously Heartfelt to read these messages of Support and Love of Israel over and above all the negative ones. Thank you all for your blessings and prayers. The Lord will Bless each on of you as He has Promised; Bless those who Bless Israel. Come visit us. It's safer here than on the college campuses. God bless you all., Shalom. Peace.


I'm Jewish woman and wish to thank you and your church for your love and truth and teaching, shalom ❤️


As an Israeli who knows his Messiah and lives in Israel, I am so thankful for your boldness to give such a great and true message! One thing that stood up which I did not agree with, is that we (Israel) did not “occupy” a land but rather inherited that which God gave us. Blessing!


I’m from Singapore 🇸🇬 and this is an excellent message. I think churches should educate their congregation like this. Thank you


I am a native American "Blackfoot". A member of the Blackfoot Confederacy indigenous of Canada, also a pastor. We are in prayer for the house of Israel. God be with you all., looking forward to the victorious outcome for Israel. God has His Holy hand on you
