EPIC Orchid Repotting with tips and tricks!

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Today I repot all my new Tolumnia Orchids while we talk tips and tricks for their care!

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Music: Way of the Walk - Dusty Decks
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Osmocote Pro High K slow release
Ikea Stuff: Tradfir smart plugs, Shelves Vittsjo, Rudsta, Milsbo, Kallax, decorative pots
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I hope you do an update video on their progress in a few months. My mom had some of this kind of orchid growing outside her large living room window in Southern California. They grew like weeds! And there were always some in bloom. She had many orchids. I had given her one many years ago, but had it for about a month before giving it to her. It was almost dead by the time I gave it to her but she brought it back from the dead!! Now I have one small orchid, I think it is a catleiya (not sure how that is spelled)and have had it a few years and not killed it, yay!! It’s leaves are very thick and glossy and it has bloomed for me a few times 🙂👍🏼watching your videos has helped, I’m sure ❤️


I do hope you update your progress on these Tolumnias😊Carol


The ones I've received were in those exact pots. I'm in the US. and I planted them in sphagnum moss inside of a slatted plastic pot, that I set in tiny ceramic pots. This video makes me want to order another 🤣


Great timing! I just bought a Tolumnia in double spike. It's a Jairak. I will repot after she blooms out. Thx for all you do!!


My Tolumnia Jairak Firm 'Fine Point' has a flower spike! It is growing in an 'S' shape for some reason but I'm excited for the flowers!


Just starting the video, but I love it already! Tolumnia, repots, 40 mins?? I’m happy!


I find that for me, the full moss setup works amazingly because it allows me to better be aware of how much water the pot contains and the distribution of it. It provides airiness, as I have adapted it to my climate using ventilation slits. The roots look like they are having a good time.

Taking the plunge was more challenging, I am now grateful I found it.


I purchased a tolumnia (after listening to your advice)and I can't wait to see when she might bloom! It's a jairak firm 'orange spread' and the picture looks lovely! I really appreciate all the advice and helpful tips for all the needs of our orchids! Keep doing the best that you already do! Thanks!


I lost my Tolumnia collection and have 2 left. Now I decided to try and pot them in simi hydro with lecca. I ordered 8 new and hope for more success. Thank you Danni for you inspiring video. I’ve been following you for nearly 3 year. I miss your what in bloom videos. I would ❤ to see more videos of your orchid in bloom cause it’s also inspiring to me. ♥️☀️🙏😊


Hi! You asked about the baskets and I wanted to share my experience. I have about 35 Tolumnia and all but 2 came in those baskets. One came in a plastic pot with Leca and the other came in a plastic pot on 3 wine cork.ms. The one in leca came directly from a nursery who does their own flasking etc. the cork one came from a seller on eBay, but it wasn’t very mature so who knows, may have came to that person in the basket and they put it on the corks(it wasn’t very happy though I must say). I am in Florida and mostly use the spag setup like you, but I do have some mounted that I keep outside and they do equally well for me. Thanks for all the helpful info, I love watching your videos :)


Thank you for keeping me company while I repot a Brassavola and a couple of Paph. Timing is perfect because I have three Tolumnias coming - my first.


I am re-watching this because three Tolumnias arrived this morning. Yes, they did come in those little baskets, and the roots were abundant and alive. I am in Virginia USA and the plants came from California. They are Jairak Rainbow hybrids without specified colors.


This Video is just such a good tutorial!
Got my first tolumnia today (bc of your avid advertisement haha) and i now know what to do with it bc it also arrived in a basket.🤗

Lets just hope the roots are as good as they look


Just received 5 new Tolumnia and potted. Thanks so much for the advice. There’s so much pressure to mount these!


I'm in Jamaica and we get them in those baskets and I mount mine. I haven't had much luck with putting the in pots, but they love being on bark!


I purchased mine mounted and I put them in a pot with bark and moss and they are great, they were really healthy when they arrived, with a lot of roots, in fact they are pretty big now for being tolumnias, I have to repot them again now after two years and take away some of the old vegetations.


I got all my Tolumnias from Orchid Garden (Poland) and they were all in those little baskets. It was a struggle first time I got them like that, because I hadn't anticipated that and didn't have any tiny pots prepared 😅the nursery didn't mark them as bare-rooted.


Your tolumnias are beautiful. I am not sure if I should try them since I live in the desert part of Oregon but maybe one day. Thanks for the informative video as always.


I have seen folks succeed with just leaving them in the net pot. It doesn't break down. Inevitably the plants will get bushy and you can divide them off.
I mount my own and lately I omit cutting anything and just use physan. I grow in a miniature greenhouse with humidifiers and a misting setup and of course FANS. So they grow like they would in nature on branches.
They love humidity and are drinkers but hate being soggy and like to dry out quickly


Hi Dani! Thanks for the video. I have an obsession with the “Novelty Phals” aka Polychilos. I was drooling here in S. Florida seeing them on your shelf.
Different kind of question- I have an Orchid Channel too and I wanted to know if have tips to grow my channel.
Also what are your tips to grow healthy novelty Phals?
