KING ASGORE: Undertale's Most Misunderstood Character? UNDERLAB

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While he attempts to kill you during your very first meeting with him, King Asgore is a character highly misunderstood. Many players despise him, and not necessarily without justification, though I believe it's difficult not to sympathise with him when you fully understand his motives. In this episode, UNDERLAB attempts to defend the king of monsters in the face of his many critics...
Underlab explores the secrets and obscurities of UNDERTALE, that game everyone seems obsessed with. There's a lot of said secrets and obscurities. Like, a lot. It also showcases and explains the lore and story of the game in an attempt to explain, clarify, and perhaps even discover completely new stuff...
UNDERTALE is a game by Toby Fox
Harry Wakamatsu created the UNDERTALE replica fonts used in this video
UNDERTALE sprites ripped by The Spriters Resource community (thanks UnderFail, JamminJelly, ShadeDBZ and ILLUUM)
UNDERTALE OST extended by Elu Tran
Extremely convenient save states provided by HylianAngel
Asriel sprite coloured by amazinganky
Special thanks to my best friend(s)