Top 10 Tips to Grind More Efficiently in BDO

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Looking to grind more efficiently in BDO to maximize your silver gains? Today's video covers the top 10 things you need to be aware of to make the most out of your grinding time in black desert online!

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Tags: bdo grinding guide, bdo grinding tips, bdo how to grind efficiently, bdo how to grind effectively, bdo grinding guide, bdo grinding guide 2022, bdo beginner guide, bdo beginner guide 2022, bdo money making guide, bdo silver making guide
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Once you graduate from the one-shot spots it's also very important to know your own class, your pre- and debuff skills, your pulling skills and for some spots how to manage stamina. In spots like Stars End, Hystria or Sycraia for example knowing how/where to pull makes quite a big difference in mobs killed and therefore chances for rare drops and silver earned.
And while grinding in BDO isn't complicated, taking a look at the mechanics of a spot you want to grind is a good idea, because spots like Stars End (on lower gear), Elvia Orcs or all the new Calpheon Elvia spots have their things you either want or need to do to make the grind efficient.


no, for me these are not the main problem in grinding, the main problem is "drowsiness". Doesnt matter how many buff you stack, if you getting sleepy then no silver gained


The key to really grind efficiently is not buffs, you need those regardless. The key is understanding the zone and how your class can grind in that zone. Knowing when to use certain skills, properly pulling and aoeing mobs, and dealing with any events or bosses in the zone correctly. Back attacks, down attacks, learning to utilize your class will separate you from everyone else. I can't even explain how big of a difference this will make when grinding. Learn your class, and learn that rotation inside and out! And learn how to take a break too!


@Dottz Gaming - "draught" is a UK spelling for "draft", both said the same way. Like in "draught beer" or "draft beer"

Great video, thank you!


Cool tips, often forget about bringing buffs with me when I do grind, usually chilling out lifeskilling 99% of the time. Thanks.


The hardest part is finding a safe place to park my horse in Marni’s realm.


how about lightstone combo?? which would be best to deal as much damage as possible to monster?


i increased my grinding efficiency by quitting BDO lol.


how many pets can we have? and tier 5 makes a diference?


I know this vid is kind of old at this point but I would like to point out that draught is pronounced "Draft"


Not really tips tbh, "Use buffs" "grind properly" okay.. video was well done though, so nice job :)


draught is pronounced draft in this case bro


there is no tent guide link in the description...
