Sustainability Fundamentals with Jeffrey Sachs

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"Sustainability Fundamentals" with SDSN President Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, in collaboration with the European Institute of Innovation for Sustainability (EIIS) in Rome, Italy.
About the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN):

The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) was set up in 2012 under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General. SDSN mobilizes global scientific and technological expertise to promote practical solutions for sustainable development, including the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement. SDSN works closely with United Nations agencies, multilateral financing institutions, the private sector, and civil society.

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Jeffrey Sachs - I can listen to you hours every day. Your thoughts, your visions ... You should be given the Nobel Peace Prize!


Prof. Sachs is mostly deserved for Nobel Peace Prize and Economics Prize in the today’s world.


I use several Professor Sachs's speeches practicing simultaneous interpreting as a trainee. The more I did my job, the more I admired him. Salute, professor.


Sunday afternoon in Malaysia now. I am listening Prof.Sachs' talk on Sustainability fundamentals. This is my first lesson on geopolitic for today. Thank you so much Prof for sharing your brilliant knowledge on this subject with us. Climate change is the most important issue globally. Agree with your opinion sir on the food system of today.


Professor Jeffry sachs, when ever you start talking i am in tears as if i lost a family. Your kindness and fairness is unimaginable in this
Selfish cruel society.
Sometimes i forget that you're human beings and consider you as an angel fallen from the sky.
I have no enough words to thank you. I just pray to God to give you long healthy life and all blessings to you as well to your family. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️


Thank you, Prof. Sachs, for your personal effort in advocating for a sustainable human impact on our planet. I am not as optimistic as you are, but your optimism gives us courage. If I may, I would like to give an example of what puzzles me in this era of access to information. As an architect I have no farming activities myself, but I try to find videos of interest online. Amongst others I particularly found interesting and inspiring the experiments and study by Joel Salatin who focuses on regenerative agriculture and Michel Bush, a beekeeper who has made several presentations on no treatment beekeeping in which he explains why everything that is considered professional practice is wrong - like spraying pesticides on bees which are insects - changing their natural size etc. So, if this exists, jet no one knows of this, as is the case here in Greece where I live and presumably in many other places, then I have to conclude that those who farm and practice beekeeping refer to themselves as professionals - those who have the know how - and are uninterested in finding out that there are better, more sustainable ways of doing things. In my opinion it is impossible to change this.


What a beautiful vision. I think this vision is worth the effort. ❤


Jeff, I suggest looking into the work of ecological economists and gzneralists like Nate Hagens. Changing energy source is not sufficient to solve the material depletion side of the polycrisis. Apparently less-polluting forms of energy would gave the adverse impact of hastening the extraction of minerals, lumbers, and biomass. We need to lower expectations of people by an order of magnitude at least


A rare gem in the establishment, a true empath, Jeffrey Sachs.


He's a legend, don't make the humbleness mislead you. Look at what he's done in the past.


It's a nice dream, but I'm afraid we left the sustainability train long ago, it's now flying full speed off the tracks!


We have a lot of smart people. We need them in the proper jobs to match their training!


Tragically and terrifyingly humanity, as a species, is diverging in almost diametric opposite directions from the ancient wisdom that Dr. Sachs always speaks about. It is tragic and infuriating that individuals like him no longer represent the thrust of modernity. It is good to be old.


IF, IF, IF. It is a no-brainer that if we "do the right things", all would be well. The point is that We, as a species, are behaving in ways that are inimical to life itself, spearheaded by those very people we have entrusted with our own stewardship and the care of the Earth itself. It is good to be old.


I find it very difficult to maintain my optimism for the future of my species. It seems that the rate of the deterioration of the environment is accelerating. Here in Canada, millions of acres of our northern forests have been devastated by massive fires that leave city dwellers choking from the smoke for the last two summers. The story is the same in Europe and in around the world . The very lungs of our planet are being destroyed and instead of producing oxygen to breath, the burning forests product acrid carcinogenic smoke.


Sustainable development and cooperation is the diametric opposite of what modern humanity has introduced to the 21st Century. Modern day "deciders" are operating in their own self-interest and ignoring the plight of 8 billion of us, as well as the rest of the life-giving natural world. At the age of 75 I have become ashamed to be part of the human species! It is good to be old.


Voting outside the duopoly is a good start 😂Dr Jill Stein


Spot on, how to produce food without relying on the current energy-intensive approach, which yields a poor food caloric energy return on investment (EROI) less than 0.1, and on a planet on track to 4-5C of warminy by 2100 at the current total GHG anthropogenic forcing of 4 W per m2 (Hansen et al, 2023), is the single most baffling conundrum within the polycrisis. There is little hope of convincing the average person that the only biophysically feasible solution is for people to become human labor-based peasants (EROI ~3), with massive co-deployment of radiative cooling shades for the crops.


Fine words in principle, but the devil will be in the detail.

Development? Of the perpetual exponential kind of increasing use of resources that we have come to expect?

Optimism? Based on relying on tomorrow's technology to solve the problems created today as we do?


How about ECONOMIZING? Making the most use of limited resources while avoiding and reducing waste, instead of turning finite resources to waste mountains that are growing as exponentially as the so called "economy", which is obviously the opposite, an anti-economy.
