10 Minute Third Eye Chakra Meditation

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In this 10 minute meditation, you will heal, rebalance and activate your third eye chakra (otherwise known as the 'ajna chakra').

An empowering third eye chakra guided meditation, in these beautiful few minutes you will heal your third eye chakra completely, restoring your natural ability to intuit and receive divine guidance.

This third eye chakra balancing meditation will allow you to be at your most open, imaginative and wise - awakening your third eye so that you can gain any FORESIGHT or DIVINE WISDOM that you require at this time.

Enjoy this special 3rd eye meditation - and may your EXTRAORDINARY ability to intuit bring huge abundance and beauty into your life!

Enjoy and let me know in the comments how this manifestation meditation changes your life!

With love,
Jess 💕

- If you know of someone who would benefit from this ajna chakra meditation / third eye chakra healing meditation, please share it. Thank you!

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This channel is the best thing that ever happened to me


Wow I cried. Tomorrow is my birthday, my golden one at that. I am so thankful because I did the work to unblock myself by listening to my highest guidance. I took the steps one right after another. I am healing, I am transforming, and I am being rewarded. I am blessed! Thank goodness!


this is crazy.... my forehead started pulsating and i saw the cosmos and how infinite is my consciousness, thank you, i am infinitely grateful


this meditation was incredible. I sensed myself being the entire universe. I am everything. I have healing power. I am gratitude. Thank you for this meditation. Namaste. 🙏🏻


I like meditating with Jess. I especially like the end where she says... and I love you. We love her too! 😁🎶🎉🐦


Thank you for your time and dedication to help everyone heal. Thank you for offering everything for free. I greatly appreciate it. I listen every night. I have Complex PTSD and most nights I cannot fall asleep without trauma movie like memories playing over again. Listen to your voice, your guidance soothes my troubled mind so I can rest. I have more than enough false beliefs that your affirmation meditations are helping me rid myself of. I can say I am loving myself more and more every day. So that I may love others the way they need to be loved. Thank you for impacting my life without even knowing it 💗


When I saw the indigo triangle, and saw it spread into two circles, slowly becoming one big cosmetic flow, I almost cried. I felt so happy. This is the first time in my entire life that I had ever seen my third eye. Thank you, Jessica.😄
Edit: I started to cry right after sending this.


Amazing meditation! I asked for myreal home to be revealed to me...the answer was the constellation of Lyra...I also saw a Lyrian from my family! It felt like home...


So, at the end of this meditation, the face of a hawk came CLEARLY into my mind... Punctuating through the “dark” backs of my eyelids, clear as can be and looking me straight in the eye, like a photograph come to life. The meditation ended & my curiosity went right to wondering what a hawk spirit animal represented. This is what I found (oh.my.gosh.)
When you have the hawk as a spirit animal, you may have an inclination towards using the power of vision and intuition in your daily life. The hawk totem provides wisdom about seeing situations from a higher perspective, using the power of observation, and focusing on the task at hand.
Thank you so much Jess! This was wonderful!!! ♥️♥️♥️


Thank you so much for this❤ Your voice is so soothing and the experience was really healing


This was beautiful ! Thank you Jessica ! 💜🙏


When I closed my eyes and started, then at a minute i actually saw a indigo light i almost cried.


Hi Jess, thank you for this meditation☘️ Can you please do "oneness meditation" like people seeing themselves beyond the illusion of separation? Celebrating differences, honouring each other, and celebrating oneness... I would benefit from it


Thank you, and we love you too Jess 🤍♥️


Helps my mind to calm down! Love the pulsating vibration between my eyebrows that I get while I listen to this. Love it! Thank you Jess, my friend. Lots of love and blessings to you 🙏🙏💐💐💕💕


Thank you so much. My 3rd eye had been fried after getting multiple attachments from a desecrated site. But this helped heal and rebalance it, getting rid of the negative effects ive been feeling for a few days now.


Love your meditations!! I listen to them every night to go to sleep 😴. ❤️


Love to you right back. Thank you...💕🙏💕


Thank you beautiful Jess, wonderful before bed for me atm, just what Im after, thank you xxxx


Loved this one ! Thank you Jess! Hope you have a beautiful day 🤩
