Tiny Foster Kitten Becomes King Of His House | The Dodo Little But Fierce

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Watch this tiny, frail foster kitten get so big and fluffy he looks like a king! Now, he takes care of other sick foster kitties so they can become just as regal and fierce as he is ❤️

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From a drunken sailor to a king. That's a massive development.


Your 5 little words: "I will never leave you" is the best antidote for Chester cos he knows you love him and would take care of him forever. Thank you.


He's a good looking cat, the eyes, the color he is, is striking. I couldn't even think of fostering kittens, I'd probably keep all of them. Thanks for what you do, it matters.


My wife and I were horrible foster parents. The kittens we fostered, we couldn't give up. Now we have seven awesome cats living with us. I wouldn't give them up for the world.


She was so devoted to make Chester feel better.


Seriously, who WOULDN’T foster fail this beauty?! He’s such a sweet and happy boy 😊


From little kitty to The Lion King!
Chester is that elderly grandfather that everyone comes to for nurturing, love & advice! 😁


People like this woman and all the rescuers of innocent sentiment creatures warm my heart. They restore my faith in mankind.


....What happened pledged your forever love and companionship to Chester. He some how understood what you said and what you did...and with some luck, he got the will to live. Now he is passing it along to your new foster kittens...Boy, if his siblings could only see him now.
....And he wasn't your failure kitten, he was your miracle kitten.


This... this right here with this women.this is what people should be like


Look at that cinnamon roll. Such a distinguished gentleman.


this put tears in my eyes. my cat had kittens three months ago (all of them have new homes now!). when they opened their eyes, i notice one of them, Jinx, was blind. After that i was considering keeping her because i wasnt sure if anyone would adopt a blind kitten, or how she would do in a new home. she seemed pretty healthy at first... until the beginning of her 5th week. i noticed she had started drooling, and a lot, and i didnt know why. she wasnt eating at all either. she would also hiss more and isolate herself from her mother and siblings. i knew she was sick, so i told my mom about it and asked her if we could take her to the vet. she told me she'd be fine. so, i started putting her in my bed to sleep with me just to make sure she was okay and that she wasnt too cold or something, because i had no idea what to do. i started doing some research, and this is when i found out what FKS (fading kitten syndrome) was, and realized that this might be what's wrong with her. I was really worried. the next day, i went to my bible study and we did prayer requests. my prayer request was that my sick kitten would be okay. the exact morning after that day, I woke up and couldnt feel Jinx sleeping on my arm. I looked around quickly because i was about to panic, and i looked next to me and she was dead. I cried a lot, everyday for 5 days. I stayed home from school that day because i was so heartbroken, worried that she died because of something i did. its been 3 months and i still wonder if i hadnt let her sleep in my bed with me that night, she would still be alive. im so happy that King Chester got a second chance and made it through his sickness. He's such a beautiful cat! im so happy for him, you go Chester!!


King Chester shot was everything in this edition. Ginger cats are so much fun and I love that...


Chester was not a foster fail. He was and is a foster TRIUMPH! You both found your purpose in each other. It was meant to be!


We lost our baby from fading kitten syndrome, and let me tell you I am so happy that your baby made it. You're a wonderful mama! Thank you for not giving up on him!


“Chester he’s gonna fall off”
Well he better get his ass back up here, he’s still dirty! 🤣
Such a good foster dad 😁


Animals who have a rough start in life and receive the TLC they need, often become the most effective caregivers. Caroline nurtured Chester when he was struggling. Now he pays it forward, being an integral part of the fostering process for other kittens.


Long live Chester. He's an amazing friend with a big heart. Orange tabby's are the best. I found one that was a week old in 1998 in our barn and bottle fed him and raised him. He turned out to be the best behaved cat and friend anyone could ever ask for. He was my buddy for 15 years before Cancer took him. I was devastated but I'll never forget what a great friend and family member he was to me. Orange cats for life! 🤗


King Chester is a wonderful foster dad. He has great parenting skills. How did he learn to be a super foster dad? Bless his soul. I think Chester is giving back to the kittens what was given to him showing he appreciates being cared for and loved. Now it's his time to give back that care and love that was given to him. Thanks from Chester and me.


This is so heartwarming. Chester is such a good boy and his owners are great people for caring for kittens this way and fostering them. ❤
