i make money trading, even when i'm wrong

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Trading is risky, and most people lose money.

FTC/CFTC Risk Disclaimer - Please read this so you're 100% aware of the extreme risks associated with any type of trading and investing.

I’ve said for years and years and years - trading is extremely risky, and most people will lose all the money they try to trade with - even the people who follow the information I provide. Trading is a skillset that is difficult to learn, and I make it look easy because I’ve been trading for 7+ years. As with any high performing skillset in life, trading is NOT easy.

Your likelihood of consistently making money trading is abysmally low, whether you learn on your own or whether you follow the things that myself or others teach.

It’s like becoming a doctor, many people start pre-med and medical school, but only a tiny fraction of them succeed and actually become doctors. The average success rate of trading is even worse that that! Becoming a doctor is obviously not for everyone, and becoming a trader is obviously not for everyone, too.

I (and my company, MissionFX, LLC) make NO guarantees/promises/express direct or indirect representation that you’ll achieve any specific result trading, regardless of whether you’re following my free or paid content.

I’m just some random guy on the internet who is sharing what’s worked for me - I have no clue what will work for you because there are a million contributing factors that will determine whether or not you will make money trading.

Do NOT take into account any information that I share anywhere on the internet as the basis for your trading decisions. I’m not responsible for your success, nor am I responsible for your failures.

Read the full risk disclaimer on my website below, so that you’re 100% aware of the risks associated with trading - then you can make an informed decision as to whether or not you want to continue following any of the information I share (or continue to pursue trading in general).

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Would be sick to see a video series of you demonstrating the strategy with your own individual expertise, with maybe a $1000 live account.


I just tried this live in the market today on the 15 minute. Guys, listen to nick. My idea failed 3 times before it finally came back into profit and all i did was wait for price to go into previous resistance to enter again. It really is as simple as he makes it. Obviously as long as youre using correct sizing to manage risk. Thank you for your wisdom nick. I will be doing this method for months to come and will be increasing my risk tolerance along the way


To get back to the martingale method: I Tried it for a month forward. First 3 weeks where great. Small enough starting point and 8% up the initial balance. Then the last week came. Boom all gone and account blown. That hit me pretty hard. Still not recovered from that mentally


you think i didnt see that OF file, i did, i did see that OF file


Bro killing us with the humor over here

Edit - content is fire too


the problem is that CFD cots on IB is 4$ (entering+closing 2+2), so it wont really work on a live account with a 1000$ and 0.01 lots, as the commission cost will eat up your profits, not to mention the swap costs. Unfortunately many demo accounts do not have commision cost, so you can develop a wrong trading habit because of this.


Seeing Versidium's progress, I'm beyond impressed!


This one and the one with the kid seemed to have opened something in my mind, testing it out on a demo


This was eye opening. But if you get caught in a long trend in the wrong way you are screwed. This would only work in a ranging market.


Hey Nick, first of thank you for everything and i was able to follow the new approach and even profit from it and it is just amazing, but i was wondering since there are no more than 3-4 trades a month that will occur, and my question is will we see The old Nick with his PERFECT hedging strategy again?


This strategy works fine in ranging markets or markets that have wide channel trends. The JPY pairs kept dropping over the last 22 days in a very impulsive manner. GJ alone dropped 2000 pips from the top. So adding to longs in that case is a sure fire to the poorhouse. Trend following strategies worked miracles. One needs to have a stop loss or a worst case bail out point before blowing up an account.


Can you trade these in cryptocurrencies as well? Or does it only work in forex pairs?


Diving deep into Versidium, liking what I see!


Hello Nick, just discovered your channel. I am new at trading and I am still learning on Trading View and demo. Was wondering if you could do newbie explanation on price action.


i dont trade forex, i trade stocks, but alot of the things he talks about can easily be applied to stock trading.


Versidium's momentum is real. Getting on this!


I have seen another video where you say “Never add to a losing trade”


Versidium's vision is clear, I'm on board.


Expect the worst, hope for the best 💪


Hi Nick, is that method suitable for Crypto been so volatile?
