Ink-dulgence (Bendy vs Cuphead)

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Let's set this one right up next to Bat To The Bone for most "Old timey swing music" commission ever.

Track art by @AEthan48 on twitter, who is a big fan of this matchup.

Special thanks to my channel members!

- Simoun O'Brien
- Lost Puppy
- Mr.Catface
- NintendoAngel247
- CF2364 & Knuckles
- Mega Bolt
- Mercka45
- Plazma Six
- Fullmetalz
- Austin Elliott
- Matthew Bloom
- ThePhonixFIre
- Ridge Gamer
- pikachuchris
- Joe Valverde
- c richie21
- Skyfire Bird
- ZMusok
- Grandmaster Tactician Randy
- Venusaurus
- DudebladeX
- Skye / TehGM
- Lakuita
- Crossover4
- Yoshi
- Nuggie Boi
- shinobi warrior
- Mark Rivera
- StrangeFate
- Bahamut Silva
- MidnightCastle
- Guns Blazin
- Ryan Holter
- Jacob
- Alex Fraser
- Money Waffles
- Bubonic
- Joozhuah
- hypermariosunshine
- James "The Savior" Villiers
- Victor E. Vector M.
- Dillon F.
- Kamek?

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Hey ya’ll commissioner here. First and foremost let me express the absolute ECSTATIC JOY I feel listening to this cuz, HOLY SH#T! This turned out really good. Second I kinda want to talk about this matchup itself actually. Ever since I played Cuphead, I was really interested with this matchup and wanted to see it happen since, well, these two games where a part of my childhood (I use the term loosely cuz I played these game in middle school.) I’m really happy with how this turned out and I’m glad I commissioned it when I did. Fun fact, I was originally torn between commissioning Tari VS Alpha (Meta Runner VS T.O.ME.) and Scot the woz vs Dream…. Yeas really. But I decided Bendy vs Cuphead because that just tickles my fancy more. Anyways, thanks for the commission Brandon, it was amazing.

One day I’ll get Scot vs Dream…. One day….


Everyone and their mother has talked about this match, and so many people have created animations for this match. It amazes me how much love both of these games have put into them, and as a fan of rubberhose cartoons and old timey swing music I can happily say you did this one justice


Brandon Yates straight up *“KNOCK OUT”* the track itself keep it up man


You know, I was originally gonna commission this myself this later down the line, but when I saw this was gonna get commissioned for this volume, I was willing to give it to the client... on the condition that Yates gets full control over the track, since that was the plan I had in mind. Luckily, they agreed, and the rest is history.

-Also Yates, if you see this, I've been moreso a fan of Cuphead vs Peacock for some time now, but no biggie- .


This sounds like something you would definitely hear in an old school cartoon.


Bendy VS Cuphead has finally gotten a track from the legendary Brandon Yates. God bless his musical talent, this track, matchup & the commissioner
Best for both, rooting and betting Cuphead. Who has beaten the devil & he’s ready to double-down on the ink demon!


Just one in mind:
"Five years of Theories"
(MatPat vs Scott Cawthon)


Lucky me, just happened to get this notification now. Great to hear the finished track.


This battle will get Red Hot!



Let's see who would win in a DEATH BATTLE!

Attack Potency: Capable of destroying entire pillars (in the fight with Djimmi the Great), able to destroy entire robots (such as against Werner Werman and Dr. Kahl's Robot), and his Charge and Plane super attacks outright cause explosions.
Defense Potency: Capable of taking blows from the robot cat in Werner Werman's fight, who could tear down the giant wall in the background. Can survive several different types of explosions, as well as a giant laser from Captain Brineybeard that should be able to decimate entire buildings at the very least.
Speed Potency: Can react to several laser-based attacks, reliably placing him somewhere under light speed, at least for combat speed.
Abilities: Can change between different kinds of shots, which range from these: Peashooter, Spread, Chaser, Lobber, Charge, Roundabout, Crackshot, Converge, Twist-Up, as well as his plane-exclusive ones like Peashooter (Plane ver.), Mini-Bomb, and Shrink Fire.
His super abilities consist of Energy Beam (a beam of liquid that fires from his head.. which puts into question where the "energy" part of the name comes from), Invincibility (a super that gives him almost five whole seconds of intangibility, allowing him to pass through opponents), Giant Ghost (a giant ghost appears, stand-o powah style), and Super Bomb (a plane-based super move that turns Cuphead and his plane into a bomb.)
He's also able to use abilities like Dash and Parry, and can equip Charms such as these: Heart (increases health but decreases attack power), Smoke Bomb (grants a short distance teleport with the Dash move), P. Sugar (parries the first parry-able object while mid-air), Coffee (super meter gradually increases), Twin Heart (a more extreme version of the base, even more health for even less damage output), Whetstone (an axe attack that goes over his first mid-air parry), Astral Cookie (sort of cheating since it swaps Cuphead for Ms. Chalice, so this isn't considered), Heart Ring (heals Cuphead for his first, third, and sixth parries), and the Divine Relic (which is a combination of every ability Cuphead has, though somewhat randomized. Some abilities are stronger than normal, while others are slightly watered down, though this is mostly still a benefit rather than a hazard. This charm allows for several abilities to occur at once, such as his super meter being charged overtime, having a smoke dash and axe parry, as well as the healing parry. When he begins firing, a random shot will be chosen, and he can continue firing with it to prolounge its length before being randomized again after he stops firing, and chooses to fire again.)


Attack Potency: In his giant form, he is easily able to tear down metal gates, and it can be assumed he can destroy entire buildings as well, if needs be. His ink is capable of very slowly dementing the mind of those who are around or in contact with it, though this usually takes a few days.
Defense Potency: Is capable of taking bullets, giant pipes, and never seems to tire. He is capable of regenerating, so long as there is ink around.
Speed Potency: He is capable of outrunning Audrey, and can "teleport" with his ink, appearing in another puddle in the distance.
Abilities: Can very slowly cause insanity with ink, as well as regenerate lost limbs, and again, "teleport" by appearing in another ink puddle. Uniquely, he does not have a soul, so he is immune to any spiritual effects, such as trying to steal his soul. Neither does he have any mental impulses, so he cannot succumb to a classic Jedi mind trick.

..Not much else can be said about Bendy. The reason of his lack of abilities is likely due to the focus of the game itself, since there are many other ink monsters and stories all happening at once in his games.

Attack Potency: Bendy (Barely, due to being able to tear down a metal wall, though Cuphead's explosions could do something similar.)
Defense Potency: Tie (While Cuphead has greater durability, Bendy can regenerate nigh infinitely.)
Speed Poteny: Cuphead (Cuphead might run slower than Bendy, leading to an inevitable chase scene in the fight, he still has faster combat speed, being able to dodge lasers makes him near light speed in that regard.)

Winner: Cuphead..?
It's actually really hard to say who would definitively win this match-up. While Cuphead has better outright feats and abilities, Bendy has a few "Hax" that're outside of Cuphead's expertise.. though, this "Hax" ability would namely be the ink.. which is mostly what is causing the problem here.

See, the ink is just a tool to Bendy, but it's ultimately what Cuphead has to get rid of in order to get rid of Bendy himself. He is the "Ink Demon" after all, and being able to regenerate nigh infinitely because of the ink is something Cuphead isn't specifically equipped to deal with. Sure, he can blast away any form that Bendy may try to take (though the giant form may be more difficult, requiring a few big hits to deal with), but the ink would still be there.. or would it?
Given that a lot of Cuphead's abilities are energy-based, with a few that're fire-based explosions and one that's just a freakin' tidal wave of milk, it could be theorized that Cuphead could "speed blitz" Bendy, perhaps burning away the ink with his attacks, until there's nothing left for Bendy to regenerate with. Though, this is also assuming that Bendy doesn't just.. try and smash Cuphead outright. Though, Cuphead has also taken slightly greater hits than what Bendy could dish out, such as against The Howling Aces, Werner Werman, let alone Captain Brineybeard's boat laser attack, so not only would it be difficult for Bendy to actually hit Cuphead, with his superior combat speed and abilities that help him dodge Bendy's attacks, there's also the power difference, which would make Bendy need a consistent way to attack Cuphead.. which, outside of controlling the ink around him to maybe throw in some lackeys or make a goopey hand grab Cuphead's leg in the previously mentioned inevitable chase scene, he doesn't really have. Maaaybe he can throw Cuphead into a huge vat of ink, allowing him to take a large form and control all the ink around Cuphead to keep him from escaping, but.. Cuphead can still slip out eventually. It's inevitable, given his superior speed and several movement and dodge-based abilities. Even with what Bendy has, it would only work for so long until Cuphead realizes what he has to do to defeat Bendy in the first place, burning his whole building down, drying up all his ink, and destroying each and every piece of machinery around the dang place to keep this guy from ever coming back again.

Raise a glass, 'cause this ink demon has finally dried.
The winner is Cuphead!


Time to get wacky with these two and when this matchup was a DBX, I would like to see them do it for real.


I may not care for the matchup, but oh lord did you work your magic on this one, what a great track, hope the commissioner like it


This is really good, definitely fits both franchises very well.


Welcome back, Brandon!

This was a pretty nice way to start the next wave of tracks. I’m a sucker for old-school music styles, and this track is no exception. I’m impressed that a matchup that I find slightly above average at best was able to make something great out of it.

If this match were real, I think Cuphead would win with little effort. I know the DBX says otherwise, but to each their own, I suppose.


Wiz: The 1930s. A time when the Great Depression shook America, casting all of its citizens into a broken and poor time that only World War 2 would pull them out of.
Boomstick: But another way to cheer them up from this depression was the rise of one of pop culture’s most legendary forms: Cartoons! But they’re not all kid-friendly. These two know both dark deeds and horrifying difficulty.
Wiz: Cuphead, the finger-snapping shooter.
Boomstick: And Bendy, the creepiest cartoon you’ve ever seen. He’s Wiz and I’m Boomstick.
Wiz: And it’s our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle!


Full name: Bendy the Demon
Aliases: The Dancing Demon, Little Devil Darlin', Yukon Bendy, Bendybeard, Lord of the Dark Puddles, The Ink Demon
Gender: Male
Race: Imp
Cartoon Mascot of Joey Drew Studios (later Archgate Films)
Created by Henry Stein
Owns his own brand of Bacon Soup
List of Cartoons: Little Devil Darlin’, Sheep Songs!, Tombstone Panic, Haunted Hijinx, Cookie Cookin, Hellfire Fighter, Sent From Above, Snow Sillies, The Butcher Gang, Tasty Trio Trouble, Nightmare Faire, Cheap Seats, Hell’s Kitchen, The Dancing Demon, Train Trouble, Hell in a Hand Basket, Siren Serenade, Showbiz Bendy, The Devil’s Treasure, Demonic Tonic, Rosemary’s Babysitter, Construction Corruption, Floating Demon, All Washed Up, “The End”

Flooded Joey Drew Studios with ink and conquered the Cycle
Ripped the Projectionist’s head off
Tommy Gun bullets don't affect him
Ripped a dead man's arm off
Easily overpowers Shipahoy Wilson and rips out his throat
Ripped Daniel "Buddy" Lewek in half with his teeth
Squeezed Joey Drew to death
Merged with Audrey Drew
Outran 4 monsters in Nightmare Run

Height: 2’0
Weight: 13 lbs
Species: Cup-headed Person
Homeland: Inkwell Isle
Older Brother of Mugman
Child of Elder Kettle
Served as the Devil’s Soul Collector
Likes: Fun & Adventure, Fireworks, Money

Collected all 17 of the Devil’s Soul Contracts after defeating each boss
Collected all 5 of Chef Saltbaker’s recipes after defeating each boss
Capable of defeating all 9 of King Dice’s mini-bosses
Capable of defeating all 6 of the King’s Leap
Spins a set of dice so hard they exploded
Lassos the moon and pulls on it hard enough to lift the sun
Survives a stick of dynamite blowing up in his face, which cracked his head and makes his milk spray out
Cut through a plate of pancakes, including the plate itself
Survived the electric chair
Defeated King Dice, the Devil, Chef Saltbaker


“This fight will have a big splash”

“You’re up”


Blasted Laboratory (Dexter VS Jimmy Neutron) [Cartoon Network VS Nickelodeon]


Oh boy did I miss listening to new Yates commissions, it hasn't even been that long either. Guess they're that good, eh. A shame I couldn't be there for the commission livestreams due to timezone differences.

Also, yeah that definitely does have a very similar atmosphere to Bat To The Bone. Quite funky track I say. In fact, I did expect the track to take a much darker turn at the end of the song but I'm not disappointed to see it keeps its lighthearted and swingy (I swear that's a word. Maybe) atmosphere up to its end.

Whole track definitely does feel like a Cuphead boss track for sure. Hell, we even get "horns" to signify the phase changes of the fight at bits like 1:01-1:09 which is a really nice detail to make the track feel more like a boss fight.

I also quite like the fact that those "phase shift" segments get a slightly darker atmosphere to represent the increase in scale and intensity of the fight. Most notably at 2:26-2:34 and 2:51-2:59 which represent the final ones as Bendy would likely switch over from his normal form to the other spooky one that I don't know the name of because I don't play the game so it perfectly fits to get a darker transition.

And of course it's also cool that the song, aside from those transitions, keeps a steady pace and doesn't really shift in intensity or energy as it once again makes a good reflection for a boss fight theme. And it also doubles as nice characterisation for Cuphead as the guy literally went up against the devil, so of course he wouldn't be shocked to face someone like Bendy who's not that impressive at all compared to the former. And it just works too as Cuphead's quite hotheaded in general so of course he'd be more hype than scared to face an opponent like Bendy, only being shocked when Bendy pulls out his more impressive abilities which would likely be at the phase transitions which are already more intense and notable than the rest of the song to represent this.

Overall I'd say this commission is quite a nice start to the new batch of tracks as it's a well liked matchup that gave out a simple but very nice and appreciable song with lots of cool details to give it personality. Definition of simple but efficient. Oh and of course that name's the best kind of bad pun, I like it a lot. Amazing work with this as always.


Wiz: Bendy, the little devil who'd become a terrifying demon borne from the Ink Machine.

Boomstick: Cuphead, the mischievous brother who shouldn't have made a deal with the devil.

Wiz: The good old days of rubberhose animation paved the way for animation stars to come. Mickey Mouse, Popeye the Sailor Man, Looney Tunes, and much more.

Boomstick: But don't let the jolly looks of these two fool you. There's some REAL messed up shit going on behind the scenes of their cartoons. But either way, get ready for a retro-style brand of Toon Force you haven't seen before! He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick...

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle!
