Startup Turns Carbon Emissions Into Clothing | UpcycleThis

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This startup turns harmful carbon emissions into stunning dresses.

In this episode of UpcycleThis you’ll hear from Jennifer Holmgren, CEO of Lanzatech — the biotech startup on a mission to reduce our global carbon emissions while making really cool products that we use everyday! Including these cool dresses!

You might be saying wait—How are carbon emission being captured? Why make clothing out of them? How does this process help in fighting the climate crisis? How can these dresses be made from carbon emissions? How is that even possible….and how can I get my hands on one of them? Watch this week’s episode of UpcycleThis to find out.

#CarbonSmart #SynBio #BioTech #CarbonTech #CarbonCapture #Clothing #Clothes #Earth #Environment #Science #NowThis

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I love seeing creative entrepreneurs taking initiative to help the environment. Kudos to them and their creativity ☺️👏🏽


Now lets just hope the clothes arent overpriced. Cheaper = more people buying it = less carbon emissions


This is awesome, just gotta try and not have to ship to India then to Taiwan and then to the clothing factory. We need to get those places closer together but it is def doable.


I hope they quickly move away from clothing, because it is a know fact that clothes are thrown away and while washing the polyester clothes release microplastics. But they are doing a good job by replacing the virgin plastic with the upcycled plastic


Is this actually any better than just releasing the emissions? Initial conversion, transport, another manufacturing stage, more transport, more processing more transport and then finally manufacture of clothes... is it even carbon neutral?


Would there be a plan to recycle the clothes too at their end-of-life period? Great to stop those emissions from getting out into the atmosphere, but the end product's whole life cycle will hopefully stay within the circular economy indefinitely, instead of just ending up in landfills or the oceans. That I think is as big an issue. Great start though, having said that. This is seriously positive what they are doing, especially if more products we use can come from captured carbon.


Hmm ok. But isn't the process of doing this carbon postive.
I don't know. I hope and pray it works good and reduces greenhouse gases emissions.


Ah yes - that's the solution. There's no need to cut back our energy consumption. The relentless consumption of materials to feed, build and repair industrial processes is not a problem. There's no need to reduce the amount of cheap clothing we buy from sweatshops in Asia. And there's definitely no problem with plastic microfibre waste. Seriously, are we really thinking a few new companies producing more consumer goods is all we need to fix the world?


I'm going to wait to get excited about this until Thunderfoot weighs in.


I've heard of this company before, but it's been a while. Good to see more people talking about them 👍 Reduce/reuse/recycle in that order. These guys do recycle carbon, but not so much fabric because it's really hard to do. I try to minimise buying clothes as much as possible, and the clothes I do buy don't generally have any way to signal where their carbon comes from. Hopefully this company pushes a more systemic change.


How much carbon does the shipping and manufacturing emit though?


Future environmental scientist here
I'm confused as to why this new company makes their CO2 'fabric' and then ships it on a plane. Of which omits a lot of CO2 itself. Would this essentially set back all of the CO2 collected?
If any of you know more about this and could help explain this to me that would help.
Shipping your supposedly eco-friendly product made of collected CO2 via plane just doesn't make sense to me.


Clothes at Zara are quite expensive.
Now, it strikes me that it says that the carbon will not escape from the clothes unless you burn them... Nowadays clothes end up in garbage dumps, in the sun. The largest of these dumps is in the Atacama desert in Chile. What will happen to the carbon of these fabrics when they are under the intense heat of the sun? 🤔


Actually, I'm wondering why anyone would think polyester is good for the environment, especially the oceans.


Curious what waste or byproducts result from this. Just because the CO2 is up cycled, doesn’t necessarily mean this is a “clean” process (though it is very cool and obviously better than it sitting in the atmosphere).


Whoa hold up. If you took carbon dioxide CO2 into long polymer chains enough to make polyester?? Youve should have claimed you solved the plastic recycling issue.


Is this process cost efficient? Is it likely to be used often enough to reduce emissions in a significant way? Also, Zara is 'fast fashion'. What do we do with the millions of items that could potentially use this process given that the carbon would be released if the fabric is destroyed?


These are great innovations. Global governments and legislators as well as investors need to buy into these technologies to see a real shift in climate change


what the fabric saves in carbon emissions is more than made up for by the carbon emissions from moving the bloody ingredients to make the stuff around the planet. Ffs 😂😂😂


Producing plastic products, especially for the construction industry where it will be sequestered for a little ng time, is what all methane and oil production should be used for. No need to keep them in the ground if there are zero emissions.
