How To Install Trex Composite Decking

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In this video I will show you how to install Trex composite decking. I will be using hidden fasteners to secure the trex decking. I demonstrate how to install composite decking screws properly. How to install the trex starter clips is shown in this video. Trex Enhance Basics 16-ft Saddle Grooved Composite Deck Board is the decking that was purchased from Lowe's.

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Disclaimer: This video is all based on my personal opinion and is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor, CPA, attorney, tax advisor, electrician, plumber, housing contractor, designer, or any type of profession to give advice. I am just a consumer sharing my experiences and research. If you do need knowledge for those types of things, I will advise you to seek help for those professionals.
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Finally, someone who literally shows you "HOW TO" do this job. Thank you very much sir!


The way you presented and illustrated the method you use to install this composite board decking is an excellent example of useful, solid information. I liked the intelligent manner you spoke to us as your viewers. This is exactly what a DIY video should be. You nailed it.


Best composite deck install video! (2 things I've seen, is use hard a rubber mallet to snug up boards vs metal hammer & put down joist tape to waterproof& protect top edges)


As a Master Carpenter,
I need to give you a thumbs up,
very good explanation!


This is an absolutely excellent tutorial. Super-helpful and well-presented. The Trex folks should pay you for this.


The best deck installation video I have ever watched. I learned a lot and I just started my decking project. I will publish mine probably within two weeks. Thanks, bro for the pro tips.


Nice work thank you for posting ! Just a few tips from a retired carpenter 42 years in the trade Use a rubber mallet or piece of scrap to tap your boards to avoid damage. Joists should be 12" not 16" O.C.looks like you did that ! solid bridging should be every 8' . Also stagger your seams more randomly not every other board so they are not as noticeable. Overhang your end piece so your skirt trim is under your deck boards (place 1/4" spacers between the rim joist and skirt every 16" to allow for air flow). Work from the top of the deck with a good pair of knee pads so you're not lifting your legs up and over the joists. Give me the good old days of nailing off Redwood and Cedar ! minus the maintenance of course


I came here to learn how to use the anchors/clips that are used to hold the decking boards to the joists. Good content!


You explain everything so well! Thank you for the video, best 14 minutes ever.


THAT was an EXCELLENT step by step INFORMATIVE, DETAILED installation video...TREX should use this for their training!!!! Well Done!!!😆


I didn’t say so in my first post, but I’m prepping for a Trex install now.


Awesome name "excellent laborer" If a person is kind and like's fixing things! Then that's amazing! Why not! A position that actualy helps society! You have to love when you have people who know thier work is good they can provide! Life is awesome


Thank you! Very informative! Doing a rebuild currently and putting Trex on top with the hidden fasteners...


Great video!

I recommend investing in a dead blow mallet instead of using your hammer or the back of your impact driver. One more thing to carry to the job site but well worth it.


Just did this on my girlfriends deck a few days ago. Only suggestion I have is not to use an impact driver, but rather a decent drill/driver with a clutch. I started with the impact driver and snapped several screwheads. Fortunately they aren't that hard to remove. But of course trex doesn't give a you even one extra screw just in case. Either way, with my drill/driver and clutch set on 13, I never broke another one. And as others are saying, you will struggle with the longer boards that are slightly warped. Main suggestion is to have somebody else helping you that can hold the warped end in place until you get your next board placed. After those clips are all in, it should hold its place.


Spacing and Expansion depends on temperature at the moment. When it’s 100 degrees out butt it tight, when it’s cold, leave and 1/8 gap. Joist tape (weather seal) is sold to make the framing last a lot longer. Joist hangers are have a chemical reaction with treated lumber and we add weather proof tape on the face of the ledger board before we install the hangers. They sell matching plugs for the face screws, they also sell countersink screws that are self drilling. You can also router your picture frame (outer square edge ) and use hidden fasteners.
I always install a hidden screw on the center of each board to control expansion and contraction equally on both sides of the hidden screw. You can install breaker boards in between the very long decks and waste less material. No trex wrap around the rim board? I usually overhang 1 inch with out skirt board and 1/2 inch with skirt board on.
One more thing, trex doesn’t want any screws closer than 1inch from any edge.
Obviously this is not a picture frame deck!
Not bad for a rookie.


Funny I am just starting the composite decking on the home I am on. Jumping out of the truck now. Thanks Josh


Rather than a steel hammer, use a rubber mallet, or better yet, some clamps. Two or three clamps can hold a board tight to the fasteners along the whole length. I've also found it handy to have the box o' fasteners on a wheeled dolly, which makes it easy to pull the box (and you tools) with you as you move back and forth across the deck.


Love that u made sure to talk about the eighth inch gaps in the but joints I like to router the but joints / break the edge but I must have that eight inch on the buts or quarter on the edge for expansion expecially in my climate with changing seasons


I have to take some rotten boards up off my deck and we were thinking of just replacing the whole top. I was feeling anxious about it but now I feel confident I can do it
