Richard Swinburne - Can Metaphysics Discern God?

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Metaphysics is the deepest probe of reality. It is the branch of philosophy that discerns the most general features of the world. When focused on God, metaphysics seeks insights not readily apparent, such as possible contradictions (or coherence) among various traits of God. Other topics include tensions between God and time, and God and abstract objects.

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Closer to Truth, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by Peter Getzels, presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.
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"It all comes down to companionship more commonly known as love. It is this the reason why. Now we in the field of science can continue to talk endlessly around this truth and speak half truths, or, we can speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth which is that the meaning of life is love." - Wald Wassermann, Physicist, Center of Theoretical Physics.


So tired of how all these religious thinkers refuse to acknowledge how, on balance, thoughts about, thinking about and beliefs about God have resulted in so much more harm than good to the human species. The existence of God cannot be proved, but the idea of God in the minds of men holds homosapiens back from progressing forward as a species probably more than any other thought or belief it has ever had -- or continues to have. Wish all these supposedly smart human thinkers had the foresight and courage to tackle this very important issue. Because unless the harmful effects of believing in God are recognized and addressed as a real problem that is likely to largely contribute to the destruction and extinction of our species, it's very likely the human race is doomed to not even making it another couple of thousand years.


Metaphysics are all questions about the whole! Science can in principal never answer one metaphysical question!


There is another property or law or essence to prove the existence of God and Creator. Love; love is a law both causal, and necessary. If God is not perfect love then choice is not real, therefore we are in a simulation, where manipulation is the law. Function and purpose have no meaning if Love is not the purpose, the grand worldview, and necessary outcome. God must be Love. God is substance-Love. Our purpose is to move toward love. Society and all nature requires that we move toward God, who is love. The question should not be, “Is there a God, rather, is God love”. The answer is yes, God is love, if He is not love then He is not God. He would be vulnerable, corruptible if He were not Love. Love is perfect knowing, perfect awareness. In love there is no struggle for identity or voice.


Can metaphysics define what a God or god would be?


How can 'God' be omnipotent, omniscient and benefiscent? Is there not suffering in the world?
Also, it simply pushes the problem back to: how was God created? If that is insoluble, why not simply say, 'How was the universe created?'
God, as wise Buddhists understand, is a matter of belief, not knowledge. If one wishes to believe in such a being, fair enough, but there is no evidence to support your belief.


Since the existence of God can neither be proven or disproven, whether God exists or not is an opinion.

God is a title meaning Lord or ruler ascribed to an entity. So, the question becomes, what would the nature of this entity have to be?

The nature of the all-inclusive, omnipresent Absolute is to 'Serve' as the Infinite, Eternal Continuum of Being, that functions as a diversified unity of potential (Creative Intelligence), actualizing as a unified diversity or Uni-verse, and thus, is the one Absolute Being in which all relative beings live, move and have their Being, the Whole that is ever greater than the sum of it's constituents, the center of which is everywhere and the circumference of which is nowhere, the All in One in All. We are all It, to an unknowable/inexhaustible extent, as the facets of a Diamond are 'both' distinct from each other 'and' the Diamond itself.

That which is nothing in particular (actual), is by definition everything in general (potential).

What appears as separate, is in Reality, Continuum of Being.

Love is the recognition of our shared Being.

Reality = That which is.

The Word of Truth is ever faithful (loyal, true, isomorphic) to Reality (That which is).

Principle = Reality
Attribute = All-inclusive

God = Creative Intelligence.


I wish you could have interviewed Alan Watts on God.he went to sleep and never woke up 11.month 1973, r.i.p great guru


How can God exist outside of causation and yet exist in "time"? God would experience linear "time". Given what we know about causality, if God were causal, then detection of God would be possible.


I like Richard Swinburne but if God is inside time he cannot be omniscient, due to NP-hard problems that have to be solved in linear time, and if as counterargument you say 'but he is all substance' then still he is limited to communication with light speed in his inner structure of the substance. If you say he is not limited by that light speed, than basically you are saying he is outside of time. Q.e.d.

And the one thing I'd like to think about God is that he knows all, so that would be a shame


This is SO AGGRAVATING! The topic is a simple enough Yes/No question! But no... awhole lot of vague, for a good part ambiguous or rightout meaningless caterwauling has to pass and then... still... not a clear straightforward answere! Who said Ignorance is bliss? Bless him/her.


The belief in God requires faith. If you were to prove the existence of God scientifically then faith is no longer needed and by extension God would no longer exist.


God is where all of the powers originate from since no physical power can produce itself.


in a show called "inside the actor's studio" the host will ask many famous actors a final question "what would you say to God if you met..." is it easier to answer that question if you're an actor :) or maybe, every discipline/culture is predisposed to discerns a particular set of properties/values...


"Can Metaphysics Discern God?"
No, but people can fantasize all they like. Making up nonsense can be great fun. I used to do it as a kid too.
Of course it is even better if you get paid a decent sum to do it, like mr. Swinburn.


Belief in God as is understood by the believer cannot be undeniable. God is Spiritual but very much real, We, His Creatures, who believe He exist see Him a step above and beyond our clunky ability to discern such things and believe He made it this way specifically to allow us our free will to see as WE ourselves are led to see, and allow us to freely choose to believe, or to scoff, ... Those who have that Will to Seek Him will find Him and Believe, .. those that don't have this will to seek Him will scoff at His very existence.


if God exist he must be part of us and like consciousness. We know consciousness exists but we can’t describe it in words. So Like the placebo effect, the power is in the assumption. Also science and language are ineffective because they both can only articulate arbitrary limits set by arbitrary beginnings, and have no real purpose in ultimate existential epistemology. I think belief in God came before the advent of language. Our thoughts were more pure before


I applaud your effort Robert, but theologians always use circular arguments for god but cannot answer for first cause, which is also true of reductive science. What is the answer to first cause, is it knowable at all?


It seems as though metaphysics is often the most used philosophical approach to arguing for the existence of god.


Aren't God or Gods just ways people used to try and explain the world around them before modern science?
