Secretary Antony Blinken Testifies About Strategy of Withdrawal from Afghanistan | EWTN News Nightly

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House and Senate committees are demanding answers from top Biden administration members. They want to know more details and who is responsible for the chaotic and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan. Lawmakers also want to know more about plans for evacuating Americans and Afghan allies left behind. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was originally supposed to testify remotely before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, but was in the hot seat in person. He continues to defend the Biden Administration's exit strategy and blames former President Donald Trump for the withdrawal timeline. But Republicans say the Biden administration had months to prepare for its own decision. Senator Marco Rubio says "In paraphrasing your own words from your opening statement, if after 20 years and hundreds of billions of dollars of support and training were not enough for the Afghan government to become more resilient or self sustaining; what did we think was going to happen when that support was removed?" Other Republicans say the real issue is how it came to this; the chaos, the death of 13 service members, and leaving Americans behind. Despite leaving Americans behind, Secretary Blinken praised the military and evacuation efforts. Capitol Hill, Erik Rosales reports.

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