My 6 Month Reading Challenge!

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Best wishes with your goals. Your projects sound really fun and enriching!


You have many wonderful ideas, Aaron, for reading projects. I was interested in your Harold Bloom Western Canon book. Would you believe that just this morning, I was going through my Shakespeare collection and trying to figure out what I would read for the Shakespeare reading event in September, and I added to my list of possibilities my copy of Harold Bloom's SHAKESPEARE: The Invention of the Human? It's a beautiful, massive book. I was thinking that I would read his corresponding chapters to go along with the plays that I decide to read. My plans somehow are always bigger than what I really can accomplish. I don't know if I could seriously limit my book-buying at this point in my life. Your plans are admirable, but I also think that there is great joy for you in these book hauls. I want to encourage you at the same time that I hate to see you give up something that brings so much joy. I know you'll work it out.


Hi Aaron, New to your channel. I follow a few booktubers that mention you on their channels. I picked up Diarmaid MacCulloch's book on Thomas Cromwell in anticipation of reading Wolf Hall and the others in the series. Heard about the Thomas Cromwell book on Steve Donoghue's channel. Good luck with your challenge. I know for a fact I have picked up way too many books that I worry I will never get to read. I am going to try something similar and take out books from the library instead of buying them. I am a sucker for a library book sale or thrifted books and tbh I get a bit of book adhd and want to read what everyone is reading currently. Ah, the dilemma for us book lovers.


Good idea, Aaron. But a question: How will you shame Donoghue if you're not hauling?


Independently I’ve come to a similar conclusion and made a similar plan — except mine is not so hard and fast. I’ll try not to be buying books for six months also, but I will allow myself exceptions for any reason — no guilt. But the overarching aim is there.

(T.S.) Eliot deserves his own BookTube event, but there’s no comfortable alliteration on his name. “Thomas Sternstember” doesn’t have quite the ring. 😢


This year I’ve been keeping an eye on how many books in, versus read and it wasn’t good. I decided to stop buying ebooks because I don’t read them as much and often buy them because of deals whereas physical books I often buy for a planned read.
I love a project but there is an endless number of them it seems. I can see you get that Aaron 😉


I did the 100 book challenge at the end of 2023 and beginning of 2024. Then for the first time I decided to keep a list of the number of additional physical books I brought into the house. To date, an extra 168 books have appeared in my house as if by magic and I have read 53 of those. I think I need to put in more effort 😂


Good video made w humor. It's always good to have exceptions. (I must say I've been very good this year about buying books, then _not_ reading them. I also use the library and LIBBY app for free material.) 🎸 I've _WOLF Hall_ upon my shelf TBR. Let's buddy read it? (Id also to go thru "The Waste Land, _ along w you! 🎉
