Close up look at a traditional metal framed partial denture

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Dr. Rich talks about and shows a lower removable partial denture. The partial denture is a traditional type of partial denture with a metal framework and metal “I bar” clasps. It’s a type of partial denture that works well if you are not a candidate for implants. Unfortunately this type of dental work is becoming a lost art as people gravitate toward dental implants. But when this type of partial denture is done well, it works really well and lasts for years. Thanks for watching!

0:00 Intro
0:11 Close up look
0:37 Why not implants?
1:09 steps to make the partial

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Рекомендации по теме

I asked a dentist if I could pull a tooth now and get an implant 1 or 2 years later and he said the same thing you did about possibly needing a bone graft if I delayed an implant for a long time.


How much space do you need for denture? I'm afraid they took to much bone to get another surgery. I'm losing alot of weight. I hope to do partial no metal.


Is there anyway to make the metal clasps white?


Question. Should both up and down partials have the same textual feeling and made out of the same material? Not smooth and dry sensation.


What kind of partial would I get for tooth number 10 12 13 and 14 and how uncomfortable might that be I still have a crown on 11 with no problems but number 10 I think I want to pull it's a root canal from the '70s it had an apicalectomy caused me lots of problems sinus swelling a face numbness trouble swallowing and now 13 I'm being told I should root canal but I can't see it under the bridge on what kind of shape it is so I'm thinking of pulling it


Do clasps crack teeth?
What condition of tooth is acceptable for the clasp
Any crowns?
Any root canals, etc.? Gum recession
What condition must teeth that are going to be used for clasps be in
Or hooks or whatever attachment piece are going to be used
Is valspar an acceptable partial and in which scenarios can they be utilized?


Hello beautiful denture I was wondering does this snap onto gum or you use a fixadent are you located in Illinois? I Google seached and see you are located in N.Y. can you offer a referral that does work as well as you located near Chicago suburbs thanks so much.


Is acrylic or the metal more comfortable?


Could you make me a top partial if i already have the impression? Ill pay you


Does the metal part ever cause irritation?
