The JWST Has Seen the First Object beyond the Darkness, but What It Found Has Left Everyone Baffled!

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The James Webb Space Telescope has detected light beyond the Dark Ages - a period of time that began just after the Big Bang and lasted about a billion years. During this time, the universe was supposedly filled with dense clouds of neutral hydrogen gas that blocked out all light, making direct observations of early galaxies long considered nearly impossible. But now scientists have found that strange sources of light are coming from these dark ages and we must seriously wonder if we have misunderstood the universe so far!
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All that telescope is doing is proving we don't know shit


We exist. That's all we know, because we don't know how or why and never will.


Interestingly JWST has six syllables and so does James Webb Space Telescope. Saying the abbreviation takes just as long as the long name.


Oh please don't use that background music its irritating😖😖😖😖


Big bang was an event in this already existing universe.. wasn't the beginning at all.


So how were these pre-big bang galaxies created !!


I have always argued the big bang/big expansion Never happened, it's just an excuse for what they don't have an answer for.
Everything came from nothing, , , oh ok, , umm No, everything came from this very small point, , , yeah, umm still No...
Why is it that half the sky isn't red shift on one side and blue on the other showing that everything is moving away from this single point, no answer or my favorite, it's because everything is moving away from everything, while this is somewhat true, my answer to this is, so you're saying that we, the Earth is at the center of everything, we are sitting on the spot where the big blablabla happened! No and there would still be a area of the sky that was mostly or more so red shifted and at the opposite end of the sky would be more blue shifted, but that's not what we, They find, so the everything came from this one small spot Can Not Be!!!
They need to Stop being political, get over Themselves, admit They're Wrong and work to find a new excuse or the real answer, because every time we build a newer stronger telescope we all get to see more and farther away, where there's Always more to see .


I think matter/mass, is blowing out the edge, because as mass (matter) comes together from its smaller, more spread out crumbs and molecules floating around, notice that it always pools up like a drain into a center like we see in planets, stars, and black holes. Well, as they come together and solidify, they’re taking away filled spaces in the empty vacuum we call SPACE. If each planet, each star, each black hole and neutron star are really just pools of mass, then they must be vacuuming the empty black part of space. Making it more empty, adding to its volume. As masses coagulate, they lock out empty space and add to the overall volume just like a beach ball sunken into a pool will displace the water. Masses displace the cosmological constant.” So it is my belief, that black hole cores are like a final stage of iron. HELIUM 4 in a subatomic particle soup of frozen liquid we see time stop, entropy is locked out, heat and work are no more, and therefore the galaxy just expanded. So did the totality of space. I also think that heat chasing cold is our missing dark matter. Because charged working masses need room, when we take away the room by attraction, the exchange is like glue. That would hold in big amounts of gas to Sagittarius A STAR and others. A space storm, albeit time dilated, it’s still a big storm. Air masses, far less dense here on earth create powerful storms, so imagine an absolute zero black hole core? See my point? It’s the compression that’s making space grow.


Do the discoveries made by the JWST suggest that the Big Bang theory needs to be modified or even replaced with alternative cosmological models?


Part of the problem is the assumption that time is running at the same rate everywhere in the Universe. It's just an assumption, which underlies all these theories on the age of the Universe.


But, but, "trust the science!" LOL


1:30 Maybe the light passed that point on its way here before the cloud formed? Or after it disappeared?


It's been a while since I was at school, but I'm sure that I was taught that energy can't be created. It can only be transferred from another energy source. Is that right?
If so then, how did the big bang happen? Where did that energy and mass come from?


Maybe naming it the dark age's was a bad idea. It's seems to have confused my mate simply.


Look up pin hole camera. This could be the same phenomena, and I don't see any reason to believe it's not. whatever source of light on the other side of the "dark age" of the universe could be projecting itself through "pin-holes" and could be an opportunity to see what is over there.


Galaxies have also been discovered that are half a billion years old - after the big is then impossible that these can exist. That would contradict that a big bang has it is that the universe is much older than thought.


Time doesnt exist ! Its manmade ! If you were sleeping for 32 billion years and suddenly woke up it would be like yesterday for you


Discovering the already existed. someone would wonder where these hydrogen come into existence


righ dave9327: nothing can explode into nothing, the chicken layed the egg and exploded in 4 dimensions (or 5 including time)


Monkey brain trying to work out the universe by looking through a keyhole into the infinite! Not going to work. TURN THE MUSIC OFF!